Future Age - The Grey Panthers

Future Age - The Grey Panthers


    Darwin Airport Aviation Institute, Darwin

    June 21 - 23, 2013

    The Grey Panthers

    Tracks Dance Company celebrates the new in its latest full-length production Future Age, and what better way to celebrate than to feature the uniquely Darwin dance troupe of senior performers - the Grey Panthers - who this year are celebrating their 25th anniversary.

    Future Age features new works by local choreographers about how the dance experience is held within senior’s bodies - and how their past informs our future. Examining the psyche and physicality of ageing within our community.

    Exploring the wisdom and roles of our elders in an aging Australian population, professional Darwin choreographers will collaborate with the Grey Panthers to commemorate dance as a ‘whole of life’ activity.

    Creative Personnel

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken, Tim Newth
    Choreographers: Gary Lang, Joanna Noonan, Jess Devereux, Bryn Wackett, David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Costume Designer and Construction: Ann Gibb


    Joanna Noonan, (Northern Territory Choreographer who lives in Humpty Doo) is working with a group of women who live beyond the Berrimah Line, and has created a beautiful work about women who made choices to live rurally, exploring the world of these women as they share their lives and the growing up of their families upon this land we call the Territory.

    Gary Lang (Gary Lang NT Dancers and first NT artist to be awarded an Australia Council for the Arts Fellowship) has paired five Grey Panthers with five of his dancers to create an evocative set of duets that reflect the changes in the physicality of dancers as they age – the elders still holding their dreams and aspirations as they hand these on to a younger generation.

    Tracks Artistic Directors, Tim Newth and David McMicken, have created a series of vignettes utilising “The Design Files by Colin Bisset” from the ABC Radio National program “By Design”, exploring how often something is created for one purpose only to be transformed over time, much like our seniors who have reinvented themselves over the years.

    Future Age will also feature some of the works the group has in its repertoire, usually only seen in their community charity performances. Choreographer Jess Devereux’s haunting Bolero, Bryn Wackett’s You Make Me Feel Like Dancing, Joanna Noonan’s breezy Who Can Remember Sweet November, and David McMicken’s wacky Water Ballet seen at last year’s Darwin Festival Pool Party.

    Production and Promotions Personnel

    Production and Stage Manager: Kelly Blumberg

    Stage Manager: C J Fraser-Bell
    Assistant Stage Manager: Katie Ciesiolka
    Equipment and Staging: Dreamedia

    Promotions/Publicity: Gail Evans, Susan Congreve

    Front of House Manager: Gail Evans
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis

    Graphic Design: Narelle Sullivan

    Film Documentation: Todd Williams
    Photographic Documentation: Jess Devereux


    The Grey Panthers: Carmel Alderson, Judith Allen, Kay Brown, Darryl Butler, Bette Chapman, Marge Duminski, Liz Gammon, Ellen Hankin, Jan Hastings, MaryAnn Hinton, Marg Lee, Lillian Mann, Helen Mannion-Esparon, Linda Mansour, Judy Markwell, Judy McKerr, Patricia O’Neil, Judi Samuels, Jenni Sanderson, Shirley Somers, Janine Sutter, Punny Vegter, Maria Vlastuin and Mavis Waddell
    Guest Performers: Michele Dott, Darren Edwards, Ruttiya McElroy, Jenelle Saunders, Bryn Wackett and Piper Whiting


    The Design Files

    Concepts: Tim Newth and David McMicken
    Cast: Carmel, Judith, Kay, Liz, MaryAnn, Helen, Patricia, Janine and Mavis.
    Music: The Design Files – Colin Bisset, By Design, ABC Radio National overlaid with Rock House, Melancholy Serenade, Cugi’s Cocktail, So Nice (Samba De Verao)

    Water Ballet

    Choreography: David McMicken
    Cast: The Grey Panthers
    Music: You Made Me Love You and You Make Me Feel So Young (Kay Brown and Mark Smith), Holiday For Strings, Whatever Lola Wants, Prelude No.7 in A, Op.28


    Choreography: Jess Devereux
    Cast: The Grey Panthers
    Music: Bolero

    Duets One

    Choreography: Gary Lang
    Cast: Linda and Bryn, Darryl and Darren
    Music: Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix), Reverie

    Swings and Flings

    Choreography: Joanna Noonan
    Cast: Bette, Marge, Marg, Lillian, Judy M, Dianne, Jenni, Shirley. Appearance by Piper Whiting
    Music: Finale: The Promise of Living, 100 Pipers/Irish Washerwoman, Hit The Road Jack, In The Mood, cast’s voices

    Duets Two

    Choreography: Gary Lang
    Cast: Punny and Ruttiya, Ellen and Michele, Jan and Jenelle
    Music: Maya’s Theme – Kama Sutra, Without Your Love, Stormy Weather

    Who Can Remember Sweet November

    Choreography: Joanna Noonan
    Cast: The Grey Panthers
    Music: Only Time

    You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

    Choreography: Bryn Wackett
    Cast: The Grey Panthers
    Music: You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

    Thank You

    Ian Kew, Sarah Lyn Lingerie & Fashion Boutique, Shirley Somers, Maria Vlastuin, Mavis Waddell, Punny Vegter, Josh Salmon, Margie West, Casuarina Senior College, Marita Smith, Noya Chung Wah, Charlie Marengo, Mary Cunningham, Dixi Joy, Robert Russo, Ciella Williams, Darwin Correctional Services, James Shaw, Carmel Hinton, Fiona Ferguson, Uniting Church Rapid Creek, Country Women’s Association of the Northern Territory, Wendy White, Julie Blyth, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts, Denis Taylor, Darwin Festival, Michael Loughhead and Terrie Crozier


    Darwin International Airport, Eddie Willoughby-Smith – NT Wine Sales, Dreamedia

    Funding Bodies

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Tracks 2013

    Co-Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Susan Congreve
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Administrator: Gail Evans
    Bookkeeper: Heather Van Anholt

    Committee Members: (Chair) Michael Grant, (Vice-Chair) David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Nick Papandonakis, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Liz Trevaskis, Stephanie Cvirn, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Ippei Okazaki

    Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Sally Thomas AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    l-r Helen Mannion-Esparon, MaryAnn Hinton, Carmel Alderson, Kay Brown, Liz Gammon. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Judi Samuels (pink head wear), Lillian Mann, Marg Lee (Back), Shirley Somers, Janine Sutter. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Judi Samuels, Linda Mansour (Feature), Jan Hastings, Darryl Butler. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Janie Sutter (design), Maria Vlastuin (Black), Punny Vegter (white) Judy McKerr (red) Liz Gammon (purple), Linda Mansour (spearmint), Jan Hastings (red), Patricia O'Neil (scarlet), Marge Duminski (red) Judi Samuels (black), Judy Markwell (stripe). Photo: Jess Devereux
    Marg Lee (Front). Photo: Jess Devereux
    Darryl Butler (front) Darren Edwards (behind). Photo: Jess Devereux
    Linda Mansour (Front) Bryn Wackett (behind). Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Judy Markwell, Jenni Sanderson. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Lillian Mann, Bette Chapman, Shirley Somers (front centre) Marge Duminski. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Ruttiya (Suansri) McElroy, Punny Vegter. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Michele Dott, Ellen Hankin. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Jan Hastings, Jenelle Saunders. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Helen Mannion-Esparon, MaryAnn Hinton, Marge Duminski, Judith Allen, Judy Markwell, Jenni Sanderson, Janine Sutter, Linda Mansour, Shirley Somers, Marg Lee, kay Brown, Judi Samuels, Darryl Butler, Bette Chapman, Judy McKerr, Liz Gammon, Punny Vegter, Carmel Alderson, Maria Vlastuin, Patricia O'Neil, Jan Hastings. Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Janine Sutter, Ellen Hankin, Judith Allen (Front feature), Jan Hastings, Judy McKerr (Front feature). Photo: Jess Devereux
    l-r Judith Allen, Jan Hastings, Helen Manion-Esparon, Jenni Sanderson, MaryAnn Hinton, David McMicken, Tim Newth. Photo: Jess Devereux

    Explore Further

    Older Adults Home Page

    Cast Responses

    “… a beautiful piece of theatre.” Liz Gammon

    “The approach to abstract choreography opened my mind to new ways of thinking.” Judith Allen

    “I loved seeing old friends that I have not seen for ages come to the show.“ Jenni Sanderson

    “Dancing in front of people, I am nervous but it is all so beautiful, together everybody helping each other.” Punny Vegter

    “Magic moment was really the whole thing. Being embraced by the women. The intimacy and solidarity. Learning heaps from all the people I am working with. The respect Darren [Edwards] constantly gave me as an older man.” Darryl Butler

    Audience Responses

    “I feel very lucky to live in a town that is home to TRACKS Dance and the Grey Panthers. Thanks for bringing tears to my eyes and making my face ache from smiling! I look forward to growing up enough to be a Grey Panther one day.” Angela O'Donnell

    "A powerfully moving, wonderful show." Marita Smith

    “I loved seeing the artistry in the group, and the range of styles, an openness to trying new things, and a willingness to explore. It is great for younger people to see this, that you can be like this.” Jess Devereux (Choreographer)

    Media Links

    ABC Stateline Report


    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.