Circus Skills - Lajamanu Workshop
Community Education Centre, Lajamanu
Two weeks of workshops at the Lajamanu School. In negotiation with the school it was agreed that they wanted to return to some circus skills that were very successful in the early Lajamanu residencies and we wanted to add these skills to the current generation. Tim Newth and David McMicken went to Lajamanu with circus tutor Wendy Meek, who was, at the time, the circus tutor for Corrugated Iron Youth Arts. The school covered the costs of Wendy, which allowed us to continue and grow our working relationship in this community. There was also some equipment found left over from the earlier residencies. Specific skills in tumbling, balance and acrobatics, diablo, hoops, juggling, and unicycle were taught. It is always of great benefit to find skilled workers who have a desire to work in remote conditions. Over the two weeks, twenty-two workshops were given.
Creative Personnel
Dance: David McMicken
Visual Arts: Tim Newth
Circus: Wendy Meek
Students of the Lajamanu School
Lajamanu Community Education Centre
Funding Bodies
Tracks is assisted by: the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and the Northern Territory Government
Tracks 2002
Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
Office Administration /Book-keeper: Heather Richards
Production Manager: James Forest
Multicultural Artist in Residence: Betchay Mondragon
Grey Panthers Coordinator: Merrilee Mills
Publicist: Sue Camilleri
Committee Members: David Taylor (Chair), Jackie Wurm (Vice-Chair), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Kyleigh Hindson (Secretary/Public Officer), Ken Conway, Nicole Cridland, Kay Brown (Ordinary Committee Members), David McMicken and Tim Newth (Ex-Officio Members)