


    Brown's Mart Theatre, Darwin City

    November 27-30, 2003

    What does it mean to be a Territorian?

    Local explores what it means to be a true Territorian. Some of our finest performers will weave their way through the magic and beauty of Tracks’ most notable productions on DVD: 4WD Sweat Dust and Romance, Rivers of the Underground and A Bowls Club Wedding. Feel proud of Tracks, your local company.

    A season of looking back. A celebration of Tracks ten years in the Territory.
    A Website Launch
    The Launch of our Friends of Tracks and our Life Members

    Directors Notes

    LOCAL was originally devised as a launch for our website. Tracks’ journey is a grand one.  It has involved the coming together of so many wonderful people, ideas and performance sites. 2003 also marks 10 years since we named the company. We began LOCAL by looking through old video footage of the company’s work. It is rare to stop and look at what we have achieved.
    LOCAL is a celebration of these ten exciting and rich years. It features our current company of dancers, (old and young, black and white, and everyone in between), performing amongst some of our favourite pieces of video footage. LOCAL also takes a glimpse into the future and previews some of our 2004 work. We thank you for being a part of our journey. Many of you today will recognise someone you know either performing or on video.  You might even see yourself!  We are often heard to remark that “our community is our company”.

    Tim Newth and David McMicken

    Creative Personnel

    Choreography and Direction: Tim Newth, David McMicken, Julia Quinn
    Video: Todd Williams of Burrundi Pictures
    Lighting: Matthew James

    Sound: Elka Kerkhofs
    Set Construction: David Whitton
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Marketing: Suzanne Fermanis


    Core Performers:
    Jolanda George, Julia Quinn, Josh Mu, Yoris Wilson, Marko Taopo, Rukshana Pakkiyaretnam, David McMicken, Julia Gray, Yola Gray.

    Core Youth Performers:
    Byron Low, Kristy Rickert, Tara Robertson, Erwin Fenis, Estelle Quindara, Matthew Cornell, Tom Brotherton.

    Lajamanu Yawulyu Dancers:
    Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Biddy Nungarrayi Long.

    Grey Panthers:
    Lucy Aylett, Barby Barkly, Kay Brown, Adie Bruce, Bette Chapman, Beryl Darben, Diane Dibbins, Liz Gammon, Margaret Glowacki, Audrey Gorring, Kathleen Harding, Jan Hastings, Lois Penman, Shirley Somers, Punny Vegter, Jacquie Williams.

    Youth Dancers:
    Justine Taylor, Chloe Butterworth, Loretta Kung, Elena Yian, Zoe Crawford, Dannii Manolis, Georgia Mansfield, Jana Tumuls, Kierah Richards, Sarah Rostron, Philippa Pantazis, Kimberley Colling, Mannylyn Bueno, Laurinda Morrison, Guy Bannister.


    • Ngapa - One Country Two Cultures - Brown's Mart Theatre (1996) -  Jukurrpa Dance
    • 4WD Sweat Dust and Romance - Darwin Botanical Gardens (1997) - Accident - The Black and White Cockatoos (Video)
    • Fierce: the Story of Olive Pink - Brown’s Mart Theatre and Araluen Arts Centre (2001) - Standing up for Miss Pink
    • Shades of Pink - NT Museum and Art Gallery (1999) - Vice Regal Circles
    • The Land The Cross and The Lotus - Jingili Water Gardens (1998) - Holy Mary Mother of God
    • Tracks / Ausdance Rehearsal Studio Launch - (2003) - Song to the newborn
    • Mother Daughter - Darwin Entertainment Centre (2001) - Don’t Call Me Baby (Video) and Bamboo Princess
    • Ngapa - One Country Two Cultures - Brown’s Mart Theatre (1996) - Ngapa Jukurrpa
    • Fierce: The Story of Olive Pink - Brown’s Mart Theatre and Araluen Arts Centre (2001) - The Tent and The Emerging of Miss Pink (Video)
    • Janganpa - Araluen Arts Centre (2003) - Country alight (Video)
    • The Fire - New Youth Work (2004) - Firestarters
    • Rivers of the Underground - The Boom Shed, Stokes Hill Wharf (2001 + 2002) - Platforms / Fire Dance (Video) and Entering the Underworld
    • Ignite - Rooftop, Multi Deck, Casuarina Square (2002) - Caught in the Cross Fire (Video) and The Strength Within
    • Mother Daughter - - Darwin Entertainment Centre (2001) - Fear of an Estuary
    • Outside the Camp - Fisherman’s Wharf (2000) - Going Home (Video)
    • A Bowls Club Wedding - Darwin Bowls Club (2003) - This Guy’s in Love with You (Video) and Trying to Be Nice and Young Hearts
    • 4WD Sweat Dust and Romance - Darwin Botanical Gardens (1997) - St Mary’s Football Club Vs Women’s Circus (Video)
    • Snakes Gods and Deities - New Work for Darwin Festival (2004) - From Earth to Heaven
    • Tracks Inc - Best Of (1994 -2003) - (Video)
    • Ignite - Rooftop, Casuarina Square (2002)+ Arafura Games - Marrara Stadium (2003) - Bring it On

    Thank you

    To all the many people (almost two thousand) who have been a part of Tracks’ performances over the past decade. You might like to search our website to see your name. Also, let us know if we have left you off.

    Tracks 2003

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Suzanne Fermanis
    Dance Animateur: Julia Quinn
    Book-keeper: Heather Richards
    Publicist: Sue Camilleri
    Office Administrators: Heather Richards (Jan - Feb), Janice McEwan (March - April), Rukshana Ramachandran (June - August), Jolene Mooney (September -December)

    Committee Members:  Jackie Wurm (Chair), David Taylor (Vice-Chair), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Kyleigh Hindson (Secretary/Public Officer), Ken Conway, Donna Quong, Jill MacAndrew, Kay Brown (Ordinary Committee Members), David McMicken and Tim Newth (Ex-Officio Members)

    Photo: Elka Kerkhofs. David McMicken as Miss Pink
    Photo: Elka Kerkhofs. Rukshana Ramachandran
    Photo: Elka Kerkhofs. Myra Nungarrayi Herbert (Patrick)
    Photo: Elka Kerkhofs. Full Cast
    Photo: Elka Kerkhofs. Youth Performers
    Photo: David McMicken. 10th Birthday cake. (l-r) Jackie Wurm, Glenn Bernardin, Ken Conway, Kylie Hindson, David taylor
    Photographer unknown. (l-r) Yoris Wilson, Rukshana Ramachandran

    Explore Further

    Older Adults Home Page

    Eras of Youth Dance

    A Culturally Diverse Voice

    Lajamanu / Milpirri Home Page


    "Tracks remains unashamedly local and rooted in Territory communities…a cause for celebration." Bill Perrett, Real Time Magazine

    “It gives me very great pleasure to congratulate on their wonderful contribution to the development of Northern Territory culture over the last 10 years.  Tracks has captured the essence of our rich, unique and diverse culture in their visually sumptuous productions.  They have made us proud to be Territorians. I am also pleased to launch Tracks’ website.  Thousands of people all over Australia and overseas will now be able to learn about our culture through the world of Tracks.” Message from the Honourable Clare Martin, Chief Minister (Web Site Launch)

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.