We3 (When Shall We Three Meet Again?)

We3 (When Shall We Three Meet Again?)

We3 (When Shall We Three Meet Again?) Is a strategic initiative curated by Brown's Mart, Tracks Dance and Corrugated Iron Youth Arts to discover where we have come from, where we are at and where we want to go. The initial planning session’s have taken place this year between Tracks (Tim Newth & David McMicken), Brown’s Mart (Sean Pardy), Corrugated Iron (Jane Tonkin) and Facilitator - Gillian Harrison. In 2018 artists and arts workers who have worked with the organizations with be invited to participate.

The project was funded as part of Arts NT Strategic Arts Grants with the purpose of ‘Positioning ourselves for the next twenty years as strong and sustainable leaders in the arts and cultural sector’. This initiative is guided by a commitment to share knowledge, break down thinking silos, identify challenges and problems, and forming appropriate and creative solutions.

(read We3 report)

(l-r) Gillian Harrison, David McMicken, Sean Pardy, Jane Tonkin, Tim Newth. Photo: Jess Mellor
(l-r front) Jane Tonkin, Bong Ramillo, Todd Williams, Allyson Arjibuk Mills, (l-r back) Peter Stretton, Sean Pardy, David McMicken, Merrilee Mills, Tim Newth, Maria Alice Casimiro Branco, Photo: Jess Mellor
(l-r) Angus Robson, Kelly Blumberg, Kris Kluge, Photo: Jess Mellor
(l-r front) Mary Anne Butler, Jane Tonkin, David McMicken, (l-r back) Tania Lieman, Mat Cunliffe, Sean Pardy, Tim Newth, Gail Evans, Photo: Jess Mellor
(l-r front) Sean Pardy, David McMicken, Jane Tonkin, Tim Newth, (l-r back) Cj Fraser-Bell, Amy Hetherington, Daniel Cunningham, Kelly Beneforti, Ben Graetz, James Mangohig, Ciella Williams, Photo: Jess Mellor
(l-r) Staff of Brown's Mart, Corrugated Iron and Tracks Dance, Photo: Jess Mellor

Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

Copyright © 2012 - 2024 Tracks Inc.

Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.