2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji

2016 Milpirri - Kurdiji


    Lajamanu, Northern Territory

    Saturday October 15, 2016

    From ‘Milk Learning to Meat Learning’

    This year’s Milpirri is drawn from the values found in the Kurdiji Ceremony, the transition from child to adult, from ‘milk learning to meat learning’. The performance looks at the major symbols found both in this ceremony and in the Australian Coat of Arms: the kangaroo, the emu, a shield, the Southern Cross, and leafy poles (witi). The Lajamanu Warlpiri hope that through sharing their sacred story and linking it to the elements featured in the Australian Coat of Arms, members of the Australian mainstream will be stimulated to acknowledge that the Warlpiri Nation shares with them common, meaningful symbols.

    Watch the full performance online. Click here

    Enliven tradition

    Milpirri is a large-scale outdoor spectacular, in the remote Tanami Desert Community of Lajamanu, approximately 1,000 kilometres from Darwin, performed in front of 30 giant banners representing the many clans, and danced by over 150 community members from the young to the old. This performance draws on a variety of dance styles, from contemporary, hip-hop, and Warlpiri dance.

    The Milpirri project began in 2005, although it is based upon a twenty-seven-year relationship between Tracks Dance Company and the Lajamanu community that began in 1988. It exemplifies how long-term relationships are vital to creative, collaborative, heritage-making. It is a bilingual, bicultural event designed to bring Yapa (Warlpiri, Aboriginal people) and Kardiya (non-Warlpiri, non-Aboriginal people) together to “enliven tradition for an intercultural twenty-first-century future”. - Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick.


    A Moment to Remember

    Community members pass by and brush 27 banners

    Lightning Man

    Traditional Lightning Man Solo

    Japanangka/Japangardi/Napanangka/Napangardi (Green Group)

    Youth Dance - Wake Up, Wake Up
    Traditional Dance Men - Warlu (Fire)
    Traditional dance Women - Mina Mina

    Jakamarra/Jupurrurla/Nakamarra/Napurrurla (Red Group)

    Youth Dance - Stick Together Don't Break Apart
    Traditional Dance - Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)

    Japaljarri/Jungarrayi/Napaljarri/Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)

    Youth Dance - Make Good Choices
    Traditional Dance Men - Witi (Leafy Poles)
    Traditional Dance Women - Ngatijirri

    Jangala/Jampijinpa/Nangala/Nampijinpa (Blue Group)

    Youth Dance - Digging For Knowledge
    Traditional Dance Men - Yankirri/Karna Nganja (Emu)
    Traditional Dance Women - Ngapa

    Coat of Arms and Youth Finale dance

    All youth dancers together.
    Community members bring Kangaroo, Emu, Shield, and leafy branches sculptures to form the Australian Coat of Arms.
    Voiceover about Kurdiji (including the Coat of Arms concept)

    Warluwariji (Mothers’ Exhortation)

    Young Boys are laid down and their Mothers dance

    The lighting of the Yarrardi-Yarrirdi (Burning Leafy Poles) and Ngurra-kurlu (at home in oneself)

    Ngurra-kurlu fire sculpture is lit followed by Yarrirdi-Yarrirdi poles

    Creative Team

    Creative Director: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Warlpiri Cultural Adviser/ Elder: Jerry Jangala Patrick
    Artistic Directors: Tim Newth, David McMicken
    Traditional Choreography: Lajamanu Elders
    Youth Choreography: Kelly Beneforti, Aaron Lim, assisted by Caleb Japanangka Patrick

    Soundtrack Production: Marc Peckham and Rob Tremlett
    Voiceovers: Jerry Jangala Patrick, Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Song Vocals: Lajamanu School Year 3/4/5 (Wake Up, Wake Up), Year 5/6 (Stick Together Don't Break Apart), Year 7 (Make Good Choices), Middle School Boys and  Middle School Girls (Digging For Knowledge)

    Read the spoken introductions and youth song lyrics to this year's Milpirri as heard on the soundtrack

    Production and Promotions Personnel

    Producers: Tracks Dance Company
    General Manager: Agnès Michelet
    Administrator: Clancy Breasley
    Production Manager: Mathew McHugh
    Production Technician: Duane Preston
    Assistant Production Technician: Michael McHugh

    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Graphic Design: Narelle Sullivan
    Photo Documentation: Peter Eve
    DVD Production: People Pictures
    Editing: Cath South
    Camera: Stewart Carter
    Kevin Boyer: Drone footage
    Evaluation Consultant: Alan Marshall


    Traditional Singers 

    Jerry Jangala Patrick, Henry Jakamarra Cook, Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Molly Napurrula Tasman, Kitty Napanangka Simon, Judy Napangardi Martin

    Lightning Man

    Liam Jangala Patrick and Mazlen Jampijinpa Patrick (son)

    Japangardi, Japanangka, Napangardi and Napanangka (Green Group)

    Youth Dancers with Caleb Japanangka Patrick

    Green Group: Jezeniah Japanangka Poulson, Junior (Dudley) Japangardi Polly, Reguel Japanangka Green
    Red Group: Alex Jupurrula Dixon, Leo Jupurrula Patterson, Mickisha Nakamarra White, Mikaela Nakamarra Cooke, Romanus Jakamarra Lawson
    Blue Group: Albert Jangala Seela, Brody Jangala Patterson, Chris Jangala Moora, Michael Jangala Watson, Russellisha Nampijinpa Burns, Shem Jampijinpa Jurrah, Zacquasha Nangala Gumbula
    Yellow Group: Athelita Nungarrayi Dixon, David Jungarrayi Brown, Keturah Napaljarri Payton, Theo Japaljarri Rose, Zakeyla Napaljarri McDonald, Prestina Napaljarri Spencer, Sekiah Napaljarri Gibson

    Traditional Dancers 

    Males: Ronson Japangardi Dixon, Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Cyril Japanangka Tasman, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Teddy Japanangka Dixon, Steven Japangardi Dixon, Maxie Japanangka Gordon, Jerry Japanangka Patrick, Ashwyn Japanangka Johnson, Morgan Japangardi Rex, Shaun Japanangka Johnson

    Females: Biddy Napangardi Raymond, Denise Napangardi Tasman, Judy Napangardi Martin, Remeika Napangardi Simon, Ursula Napangardi Marks, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Agnes Napanangka Donnelly, Valerie Napanangka James, Kim (Napangardi) Blake, Christine (Napangardi) Reid, Merinda (Napangardi) Johnson

    Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrula and Nakamarra (Red Group)

    Youth Dancers 

    Red Group: Cher Nakamarra Mathews, Dakota Napurrula Dixon, Liza Nakamarra Patterson, O’Shai Jupurrula Gibson, Tara Nakamarra Morton, Estella Nakamarra Gordon
    Green Group: Esther Napangardi Gordon, Kelly Napanangka Scobie, Martin Japanangka Johnson, Sarafina Napanangka Marks, Prestina Napanangka Dixon
    Blue Group: Fabian Jangala Ross, Venice Nampijinpa Wilson, Zarifah Nampijinpa Hargraves
    Yellow Group: Kyle Jungarrayi Doolan, Norah Nungarrayi Jurrah, Raphayelia Napaljarri Kelly, Shontelle (Remika) Napaljarri Payton, Zeon Japaljarri McDonald

    Traditional Dancers

    Males: Jake Jakamarra Patterson, Kiriath  Jupurrula Patterson, Titus Jupurrula White, Lyndon Jupurrula Gordon, Steven Jupurrula Morton, Daswyn Jakamarra White, Lachlan (Jupurrula) Casburn

    Females: Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Laura Nakamarra Doolan, Belinda Nakamarra Baker, Melinda Napurrula Simon, Mabel Napurrula Samuels, Alison Nakamarra Luther

    Japaljarri, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)

    Youth Dancers 

    Yellow Group: Colleen Nungarrayi Bambra, Dionia Nungarrayi Herbert, Mervyn Japaljarri Rose, Severa Napaljarri Payton, Trevion Japaljarri Lewis
    Red Group: Daniel Jakamarra White, Goliath Jupurrula Simon, Jarad Jakamarra White, Oscar Jupurrula Simon
    Green Group: Japeth Japangardi Tasman, Kamus Japanangka Johnson, Shontana Napangardi Tasman
    Blue Group: Evangeline Nangala Gumbula, Gabby Jampijinpa Wesley, Mona-Lisa Nampijinpa Kelly, Sheilleah Nangala Watson, Shenise Nangala Watson, Steven Jampijinpa Robertson

    Traditional Dancers 

    Males: Roger Japaljarri Jurrah, Anthony (Travis) Japaljarri Rose, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton, Ananais Japaljarri  Payton, Clifford Jungarrayi McDonald, Zebeon Japaljarri Robbo, Waylon Jungarrayi Hudson, Corey Jungarrayi Raymond, Costello Japaljarri Ronson, Keithen Japaljarri Ross, Nick (Japaljarri) Brustolin

    Females: Sonya Napaljarri Cooke, Biddy Nungarrayi Jurrah, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Marjorie Nungarrayi Gibson, Beth Nungarrayi Jurrah, Qin Musgrave

    Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)

    Youth Dancers

    Blue Group: Lesley Jampijinpa McDonald, Gloria Nampijinpa Rose, Ruby Nampijinpa McDonald.
    Red Group: Ezekiel Jupurrula Walker, Jason Jupurrula Simon, Regan Jakamarra Lewis, Felicia Napurrula Simon, Lianna Napurrula Patterson.
    Green Group: Davon Japanangka Marks-Burns, Ronan Japanangka Johnson, Tarkyn Japangardi Tasman, Shemira Napangardi Rose, Leah Napanangka James.
    Yellow Group: Emmanuel Japaljarri Martin, Jeriah Japaljarri Payton, Liam Japaljarri Rose, Katie-Anne Napaljarri Payton, Shakira Napaljarri Payton, Shaunisha Nungarrayi Herbert, Valentine Napaljarri McDonald.

    Traditional Dancers

    Males: Keanu Jampijinpa Kelly, Micky (Michaelis) Jangala Sampson, Kane Jampijinpa Kelly, Dion Jangala Kelly, Elijah Jampijinpa Kelly, Stephen Jangala Robertson, Norman Jampijinpa Kelly, Liam Jangala Patrick, Andre Jampijinpa Kelly, Tony Jampijinpa Sampson, Jasper Jangala Burns, Terry Jangala Sampson, Peter Jangala Jigili, Charlie (Jampijinpa) Dack

    Females: Patsy Nangala Herbert, Nita Nampijinpa Patrick, Annette Nampijinpa Patrick, Jenelle Nampijinpa Burns, Liddy Nampijinpa Miller, Atrina Nangala Robertson, Jasmine Nangala Patrick, Judith (Nangala) Crispin

    Thank You

    Milpirri Governing Body: Geoffrey Jungarrayi Barnes, Roger Japaljarri Jurrah, Stephen Japanangka Dixon, Steven Jupurrula Morton, Steven Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick, Peter Jangala Jigili, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Noressa Napurrula White, Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Laura Nakamarra Doolan, Annette Nampijinpa Patrick.

    To the staff of the following Lajamanu organizations: Central Desert Regional Council, Warnayaka Arts Centre, Mount Theo Youth Program (WYDAC), Western Desert Dialysis, Lajamanu School, Lajamanu Store, Activities Centre, Lajamanu Rangers Program, Government Engagement Centre, Northern Territory Police, Lajamanu Health Clinic, Centre Lands Council and the many other people from Lajamanu who helped out. Outside of Lajamanu thanks to Wormald (fire protection), Miles Holmes, Gail Haydon and NT fleet, Trevor Riddle from Khao San Road Catering and Tristan from Dreamedia

    Major Sponsor

    Newmont Asia Pacific

    Sponsors and Partners

    Milpirri Festival could not continue to exist without the valued support of its sponsors and partners. These include: Newmont Asia Pacific, GMAAAC, Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation, Central Desert Shire, Warlpiri Education and Training Trust, Regional Arts Fund NT, Darwin International Airport, Southern Cross TV 

    Tracks Government Partners

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government initiative supporting the arts in regional remote and very remote/isolated Australia. This program is delivered in partnership with the NT Government

    Tracks 2016

    Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Agnès Michelet
    Administrator: Clancy Breasley
    Production Manager: Mathew McHugh
    Dance Animateur: Kelly Beneforti
    Bookkeeper: Noya Chong Wah

    Committee Members: Mary Durack (Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Michael Grant, David Taylor, Ken Conway, Stephanie Cvirn, Venaska Cheliah. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Agnès Michelet (Ex-Officio Members)

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Ippei Okazaki

    Patron: His Honour, The Honourable John Hardy OAM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Reguel Japanangka Green, Chris Jangala Moora (face hidden), David Jungarrayi Brown, Mickisha Nakamarra White, Athelita Nungarrayi Dixon, Theo Japaljarri Rose, Leo Jupurrula Patterson, Zacquasha Nangala Gumbula, Shem Jampijinpa Jurrah, Kelly (Napurrula) Beneforti, Zakeyla Napaljarri McDonald, Sekiah Napaljarri Gibson, Keturah Napaljarri Payton, Prestina Napaljarri Spencer, Junior (Dudley) Japangardi Polly, Aaron (Jangala) Lim
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Junior (Dudley) Japangardi Polly, Reguel Japanangka Green, Aaron (Jangala) Lim, Leo Jupurrula Patterson
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Raphayelia Napaljarri Kelly, Shontelle (Remika) Napaljarri Payton, Nyasha (Nampijinpa) Mukarati
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Daniel Jakamarra White, Japeth Japangardi Tasman, Trevion Japaljarri Lewis, Kelly (Napurrula) Beneforti, Mervyn Japaljarri Rose, Shontana Napangardi Tasman (back), Dionia Nungarrayi Herbert (far back), Oscar Jupurrula Simon, Kamus Japanangka Johnson, Steven Jampijinpa Robertson, Mona-Lisa Nampijinpa Kelly (far back)
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) (back) Duane Preston, Aaron Lim, Marc Peckham, Michael McHugh, Kelly Beneforti, Mathew McHugh (middle) Clancy Breasley, Alan Marshall, Agnès Michelet, Stewart Carter (front) Caleb Japanangka Patrick, David McMicken, Tim Newth.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Jerry Jangala Patrick.
    Photo: Peter Eve (front) Jerry Jangala Patrick, (not in exact order) Micky Jangala Sampson, Andre Jampijinpa Kelly, Kane Jampijinpa Kelly, Steven Jangala Robertson.
    Photo: Peter Eve (not in exact order) Elijah Jampijinpa Kelly, Keanu Jampijinpa Kelly, Liam Jangala Patrick, Jasper Jangala Burns, Dion Jangala Kelly, Tony Jampijinpa Sampson, Terry Jangala Sampson.
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Liam Jangala Patrick, Mazlen Jampijinpa Patrick.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Leo Jupurrula Patterson, Theo Japaljarri Rose, Russellisha Nampijinpa Burns, Mickisha Nakamarra White, Keturah Napaljarri Payton, Michael Jangala Watson, Sekiah Napaljarri Gibson, Romanus Jakamarra Lawson, Chris Jangala Moora, Mikaela Nakamarra Cooke, David Jungarrayi Brown, Shem Jampijinpa Jurrah, Jezeniah Japanangka Poulson, Prestina Napaljarri Spencer, Brody Jangala Patterson, Junior (Dudley) Japangardi Polly
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Molly Napurrula Tasman, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Kitty Napanangka Simon.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) ?, Remeika Napangardi Simon, Denise Napangardi Tasman, Ursula Napangardi Marks, Merinda (Napangardi) Johnson, Valerie Napanangka James, Agnes Napanangka Donnelly
    Photo: Peter Eve (centre-r) Maxie Japanangka Gordon, Jerry Japanangka Patrick, Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Ashwyn Japanangka Johnson.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) (Back row) Norah Nungarrayi Jurrah, Kyle Jungarrayi Doolan, Zeon Japaljarri McDonald, Shontelle (Remika) Napaljarri Payton, Raphayelia Napaljarri Kelly (Front row) Cher Nakamarra Mathews, O’Shai Jupurrula Gibson, Tara Nakamarra Morton, Dakota Napurrula Dixon
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Lachlan (Jupurrula) Casburn, Kiriath Jupurrula Patterson, Daswyn Jakamarra White, Titus Jupurrula White.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Alison Nakamarra Luther, Melinda Napurrula Simon, Laura Nakamarra Doolan, Mabel Napurrula Samuels.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Daniel Jakamarra White, Oscar Jupurrula Simon, Goliath Jupurrula Simon, Jarad Jakamarra White, Severa Napaljarri Payton, Dionia Nungarrayi Herbert, Colleen Nungarrayi Bambra
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Goliath Jupurrula Simon, Daniel Jakamarra White, Trevion Japaljarri Lewis (middle), Japeth Japangardi Tasman (front), Colleen Nungarrayi Bambra, Mervyn Japaljarri Rose, Severa Napaljarri Payton, Dionia Nungarrayi Herbert (far back), Oscar Jupurrula Simon, Kamus Japanangka Johnson, Mona-Lisa Nampijinpa Kelly (far back), Shontana Napangardi Tasman, Jarad Jakamarra White, Steven Jampijinpa Robertson, Evangeline Nangala Gumbula, Shenise Nangala Watson, Gabby Jampijinpa Wesley, Sheilleah Nangala Watson
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Corey Jungarrayi Raymond, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Travis Japaljarri Rose, Costello Japaljarri Ronson, Ananais Japaljarri Payton, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton, Corey Jungarrayi Raymond.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Qin Musgrave, Sonya Napaljarri Cooke, Beth Nungarrayi Jurrah, Marjorie Nungarrayi Gibson, Biddy Nungarrayi Jurrah, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Valentine Napaljarri McDonald, Ruby Nampijinpa McDonald, Shakira Napaljarri Payton, Felicia Napurrula Simon, Shaunisha Nungarrayi Herbert, Katie-Anne Napaljarri Payton, Gloria Nampijinpa Rose, Shemira Napangardi Rose, Leah Napanangka James
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Valentine Napaljarri McDonald, Leah Napanangka James (front), Lianna Napurrula Patterson
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Davon Japanangka Marks-Burns, Tarkyn Japangardi Tasman, Jason Jupurrula Simon, Liam Japaljarri Rose (back), Lesley Jampijinpa McDonald, Regan Jakamarra Lewis, Jeriah Japaljarri Payton, Ronan Japanangka Johnson, Emmanuel Japaljarri Martin (back), Ezekiel Jupurrula Walker
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Leah Napanangka James
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Ashwyn Japanangka Johnson, Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Jerry Japanangka Patrick, Keanu Jampijinpa Kelly, Elijah Jampijinpa Kelly, Andre Jampijinpa Kelly, Kane Jampijinpa Kelly, Liam Jangala Patrick, Tony Jampijinpa Sampson.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) (singers) Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Henry Jakamarra Cook, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick.
    Photo: Peter Eve (l-r) Beth Nungarrayi Jurrah, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Ursula Napangardi Marks, Remeika Napangardi Simon, Agnes Napanangka Donnelly, Merinda (Napangardi) Johnson, Valerie Napanangka James.
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve
    Photo: Peter Eve

    Explore Further 

    Milpirri / Lajamanu Home Page

    Themes and Song Lyrics

    Milpirri Banners

    Milpirri Dances - Videos

    Iconic Tracks Works

    2018 Milpirri - Jurntu


    “Milpirri was good. Our children we were proud of them because they want to understand more and more culture.” Agnes Napanangka Donnelly (Warlpiri Painter, Dancer)

    “For the younger gen it gives them all that rhythm, timing and working together as a team and that feeling that everyone is connecting with the community, everyone is working together seeing the older and younger generation together. Coming together like that for the one event was very special.” Courtney (Napaljarri) (Teacher Grade 1)

    “I was very impressed by the kids. The kids (having been a teacher) I thought were fantastic. It was their event, their act and they did it with gutso.“  Geoff Lazarus (Canberra Lobbyist)

    “It was one of the proudest moments I have had since I have been at the school and that the kids went out there and did what they had been practising to a fairly high standard. There was none of that teasing that sometimes goes on, everything was very positive and everyone applauded, so my thoughts in the final wash-up were that whether this is linked to traditional history or not, is not my judgment call to make, what I am here to do is to meet educational outcomes and what they did the other night was a very positive thing for the school, themselves and their teachers.”  James Bryant (Principal Lajamanu School)

    “It creates a very sensitive and emotional event for everybody because part of that festival, or the event in the festival, really brings back the memories of your grandfather and grandmother.”  Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick (Central Desert Region Council)

    “Because of that performance, I understood a lot more about the Warlpiri people and about my own kids, that I didn’t really understand before Milpirri.” Tara (Napanangka) (Teacher Grade 3, 4 & 5)

    “Milpirri is very important because all skin groups get together and learn about each others' Dreaming and connections for different groups.” Valerie Napanangka James (Community Spokesperson, Dancer, Learning Centre Employee)

    ABC Article

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.