2017 Make a Dance in a Week

2017 Make a Dance in a Week


    Tracks Dance Studio, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, Deckchair Cinema, Darwin City 

    Workshops: October 2 - 6, 2017
    Performance: October 8 - Deckchair Cinema

    Make a Dance in a Week (MADIAW) is Tracks’ once-yearly school holiday program that engages school students in intensive movement workshops and closely involves participants in a fun and challenging choreographic process.

    The program was facilitated to create a supportive environment that encouraged creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, initiative and physical expression.

    The program involved primary, middle and secondary school students in daily workshops, followed by a performance of the dance pieces created during the week-long program at the Deckchair Cinema for the Tracks Dance fundraising film night.  


    Kelly Beneforti and Leanne Eltagonde


    Younger group:
    Neave Baker, Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Sophia Hodges, Maggie Baker, Sophie Hawkes,  Mia Hawkes and Jessica Thomson

    Older group:
    Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Dayna Montgomery, Vicki Nguyen, Keefir Lewis, Clarissa Blum, Piper Whiting, Mitch Robinson and Grace Hendry


    Mon-Thurs: Daily workshops @ Tracks Dance studio. 10 am-1 pm Primary (ages 9-12). 2 pm-5 pm Middle/Senior (ages 13-17).

    Friday: All participants 10 am-4 pm @ Tracks Dance studio.

    Sunday: All participants 6 pm arrival @ Deckchair cinema. Performance at 7 pm. Screening of West Side Story at 7.30 pm.


    Darwin International Airport, Southern Cross TV

    Government Partners

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Tracks 2017

    Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Company Director: Adelaide Wood
    Administrator: Jessica Mellor
    Production Manager: Mathew McHugh
    Dance Animateur: Kelly Beneforti
    Bookkeeper: Noya Chong Wah

    Committee Members: Mary Durack (Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Michael Grant, David Taylor, Ken Conway, Stephanie Cvirn, Venaska Cheliah. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Adelaide Wood (Ex-Officio Members)

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Ippei Okazaki

    Patron: His Honour, The Honourable John Hardy OAM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    (l-r) Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Dayna Montgomery, Vicki Nguyen, Keefir Lewis, Clarissa Blum, Piper Whiting, Leanne Eltagonde. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Vicki Nguyen, Don Mackenzie Ofiaza. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Piper Whiting, Clarissa Blum. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Mitch Robinson, Dayna Montgomery, Piper Whiting, Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Grace Hendry, Vicki Nguyen, Clarissa Blum. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Keefir Lewis, Dayna Montgomery, Vicki Nguyen, Piper Whiting, Mitch Robinson, Clarissa Blum. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Clarissa Blum, Mitch Robinson, Vicki Nguyen, Dayna Montgomery, Grace Hendry
    (l-r) Don Mackenzie Ofiaza, Vicki Nguyen, Leanne Eltagonde, Grace Hendry, Piper Whiting, Clarissa Blum. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Maggie Baker, Mia Hawkes, Sophia Hodges. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Neave Baker, Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Sophia Hodges, Maggie Baker, Sophie Hawkes. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Mia Hawkes, Sophia Hodges, Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Sophie Hawkes, Jessica Thomson, Neave Baker, Maggie Baker. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Leanne Eltagonde, Maggie Baker, Mia Hawkes, Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Jess Thomson, Neave Baker. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Neave Baker, Jessica Thomson, Sophie Hawkes. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Sophia Hodges, Sophie Hawkes, Mia Hawkes, Jessica Thomson, Maggie Baker, Leanne Eltagonde. Photo: Mat McHugh
    (l-r) Muhammad Yaseen Ursani, Sophia Hodges, Sophie Hawkes, Jess Thomson, Mia Hawkes, Neave Baker, Maggie Baker, Leanne Eltagonde. Photo: Mat McHugh

    Explore Further

    Research and Development

    2017 Development Program


    “The school holiday program looks at the exploration of movement and meaning-making. It also offers connection with young growing aspiring dance artists in the Darwin community. The participants are involved in a performance process that extends experience with rehearsal and refinement. This program allows participants to inquire into innovative stimuli and critically respond with their own creative expression. 

    As a guest teacher, I saw many benefits from this holiday program, these include; growth in participants’ communication skills, opportunity for social connections with various participants and development of participants’ problem-solving skills in group and individual situations.” – Natalie Hafsteins, guest teacher 2015


    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.