Collision - Choreographic Program

Collision - Choreographic Program


    Lawns, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, Darwin City

    Showings: May 7 - 8, 2011

    A showing of new dance works by young and emerging choreographers.

    Welcome! In our town that bubbles over with talent, opportunities for young up-and-coming choreographers are few and far between. Saving them a move interstate, Tracks’ Choreographic Program offers a training ground for the development of emerging dance makers- this year the group includes: Aleisha Boyd, Melinda Christopher, Paul Coleman, Aaron Lim and Diana Macairan. After three months in the studio together, a vibrant sense of artistry, exploration and friendship has blossomed. The group has investigated diverse approaches to choreography, using imagination, creative writing, music, lighting, visual art, props, costumes and stories as inspiration for making dance. Solo dance pieces in outdoor sites around Frog Hollow - under trees, upon benchtops and down hallways - can be seen in Zoe Scoglio’s haunting dance film Charge.

    Today’s showing promises to be a diverse feast of dance, celebrating individuality. Big ups to Abdulahi Isse who joined us to participate in the first half of the Choreographic Program, including the dance film Charge (but was unable to complete the program due to work commitments.) Adulahi’s moves, ideas and wonderful positive energy were a great asset to the group. Hugest of high fives to Aleisha, Melinda, Paul, Aaron and Diana for all the laughs and your great work/insights in the studio. Yay! Thank you to our gorgeous guest dancers Darren, Maria and Arthur who have given their time generously. And thanks heaps to the lovely Joanna Noonan who contributed to Tracks 2011 Choreographic Program as guest facilitator. It has been a pleasure to work with you all, let’s continue conversing, collaborating and colliding!

    Director’s Notes - Jess Devereux

    Creative Personnel

    Program Director Workshop Facilitator – Jess Devereux
    Choreographers - Aleisha Boyd, Melinda Christopher, Paul Coleman, Aaron Lim and Diana Micairan
    Guest Dancers – Darren Edwards, Maria Ramilo, Arthur Gaye, Andy Lay
    Dance Film Director – Zoe Scoglio

    Production Personnel

    Production Manager – Kelly Blumberg
    Production Assistant – Josh Grant


    Melinda Christopher

    19-year young white tiger, expresses herself through movement. You don’t have to get it, it just happens. Teal! Chocolate! Her superpower would be the ability to fly. Yum- lemon lime bitters. Theatrical, focused, energetic and social.

    Diana Micairan

    17-year young lion, dance is a getaway and an art that brings different people together, loves indie and RnB pop music, plus the colour purple. Is full of energy, happy and free. Yum- cookies + cream chillos and avocado smoothies, like dances that mix odd, sharp and curvy forms of hip-hop and contemporary dance. Is bubbly, considerate and dedicated.

    Aaron Lim

    18-year young monkey, dance is an expression/a language, likes punk rock, funk music and the colour purple, his superpower would be teleportation or levitation, is focused, likes his movement style to have flow, be intricate and to tell a story, calm-ish sometimes, down to earth and a thinker.

    Aleisha Boyd

    17-year young eagle, dance is life, it’s meaningful, it is a way of telling a story and expressing who you are, blue eyes, loves acoustic calm music, red vibrant and loud, vanilla and chocolate, her superpower would be invisibility, Yum - coca cola, surprising and outgoing.

    Paul Coleman

    19-year young lion, when he dances he feels relaxed and happy, it’s a feeling that is hard to express in words, heartbeat, his superpower would be invisibility, dance means a lot to him, it is not something he does but is actually part of his nature, he breathes it, sweats it, lives it. Loves blue and white. Funny, funky, energetic and encouraging.



    dance film playing on a loop in the conference room cinema
    Director/Sound: Zoe Scoglio
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Composer/Music: Kris Keogh
    Choreographers/Performers: Aleisha Boyd, Melinda Christopher, Paul Coleman, Aaron Lim, Diana Macairan and Abdulahi Isse


    By David McMicken, Tim Newth and Jess Devereux

    Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (I don't regret a thing)

    Choreographed by Melinda Christopher
    A French love story, an old classic...
    But things aren’t as they appear.
    In a garden cafe, an innocent flirtation takes a turn for the worst.
    Music: Edith Piaf, Moulin Rouge, Gonzales Feist & Dani.
    Cast: Melinda Christopher, Aaron Lim

    The Story

    Choreographed by Aleisha Boyd
    Peaceful. A true love story, close to the heart.
    Humble beginnings at the fisherman’s wharf.
    Music: Seekae
    Cast: Aleisha Boyd, Darren Edwards

    Alphabet Cube

    A choreographic task explained by Diana, Melinda and Jess

    My Journey into Dance

    Choreographed by Paul Coleman
    Drawing maps to envisage spatial designs, I have set up different “worlds” in the space. My piece fuses break dance, Afro, contemporary, lyrical and hip-hop. A narrative work about my life and journey into dance.
    Music: Blood Diamond (film soundtrack) and Coldplay
    Cast: Paul Coleman, Arthur Gaye, Jess Devereux

    School Fish

    Example of a choreographic tool- tuning into a group’s movements, in unison, in the moment

    Sound Effect

    Choreographed by Aaron Lim
    A three-piece collection. One informed by voice sounds, one expressed by spoken memories, one informed by words offered.
    Music: DJ Shadow
    Cast: Aaron Lim (plus Andy Lay in piece three)

    Group Improvisation Task

    Saturday 7th - Tension and Release score, using ¼ stage space
    Sunday 8th – Fast and Still Score, using ½ stage space

    Inner Turmoil

    Choreographed by Diana Micairan
    Noticing the different ways people deal with stress. Analyzing friends’ body language when they’re anxious. Inspired by my fellow year 12 students.
    Music: Florence & The Machine
    Cast: Diana Micairan, Maria Ramilo, Paul Coleman, Jess Devereux

    Forum Discussion

    Audience questions are welcome and encouraged! An opportunity to exchange ideas and feedback with the choreographers. Hosted by Mary Anne Butler (Saturday 7th May) and Kris Keogh (Sunday 8th May.) Mary Anne Butler is a freelance writer based in Darwin and Kris Keogh is a musician/composer who co-founded Happy Yess in Darwin, Darwin's only dedicated original music venue.

    Thank you

    Joanna Noonan, Artback, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts, Gavin Perry (Frog Hollow’s gardener,) Museum & Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Arts NT, Country Women’s Association, Correctional Services, All Tenants at Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, Matty McHugh, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts, Mary Anne Butler, Kris Keogh, all the volunteers and ushers

    Funding Bodies

    Tracks is assisted by: the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and the Northern Territory Government

    Tracks 2011

    Co-Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Susan Congreve
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Administrator: Gail Evans
    Bookkeeper: Caroline Voigt
    Development Consultants: Michelle Silby, Suzanne Fermanis
    Milpirri Executive Officer: Susan Congreve

    Committee Members: (Chair) David Taylor, (Vice-Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Michael Grant, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Joanna Barrkman, Stephanie Cvirn, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan

    Patron: His Honour Mr Tom Pauling QC, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Mrs Tessa Pauling

    Photo: Zoe Scoglio. l-r: Aaron Lim
    Photo: Zoe Scoglio. l - r: Abdulahi Isse
    Photo: Zoe Scoglio. l - r: Aleisha Boyd
    Photo: Zoe Scoglio: l - r: Diana Micairan
    Photo: Zoe Scoglio. l - r: Melinda Christopher
    Photo: Zoe Scoglio. l - r: Paul Coleman
    Photo: Jason Lam. l - r: Melinda Christopher, Aaron Lim
    Photo: Jason Lam. l - r: Arthur Gaye, Paul Coleman
    Photo: Jason Lam. l - r: Josh Grant, Aaron Lim, Paul Coleman
    Photo: Jason Lam. l - r: Darren Edwards, Aleisha Boyd
    Photo: Matty McHugh. l - r: Jess Devereux, Paul Coleman, Diana Micairan, Maria Ramilo

    Explore Further

    Eras of Youth Dance

    Tracks Dance Films

    All Choreographic Programs

    Audience Responses

    “Congrats guys. One of my favourite events of the year. Under the trees at Frogs Hollow. Loved it!”  Anna Reece

    “Awesome showcase of emerging choreos and works. I enjoyed it (Collision). Thanks.”  Lailah Masiga

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.