Dance Body Design
Darwin / Lajamanu
In development throughout 2020/21/22
In a similar vein to the Milpirri Banner Home Page project, Tracks Dance Company wishes to gather knowledge about the Milpirri dances as performed in Lajamanu since 2005, and then make this accessible.
Tracks has also worked with Lajamanu artists outside the community, including in Darwin, Victoria, and New South Wales. There is potential to extend this work to include those activities.
There are Five Milpirri performances in the cycle.
- Jardiwanpa (2005/14)
- Kurdiji (2007/16)
- Jurntu (2009/18)
- Yinapaka (2011)
- Pulya Rani (2012)
The biennial performance sees dancers performed by the Lajamanu community, and unlike ceremony, we bring the youth and the adults onto the same stage. The adults perform open “soft” versions of their Warlpiri dances, connected to particular ceremonial concepts. We are also given thematic material from Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick that is sourced as the values inherent in each year’s performance. (Example: following the right path, celebrating, working together, looking after country.) These themes are reinterpreted through contemporary and hip-hop dance routines created on and performed by the school-age youth. The performance is intergenerational and intercultural spanning Warlpiri and Non-Warlpiri knowledge and methodologies
This project we will look back at and clarify the resources we have gathered since 2005.
These include:
- Video Footage
- Dance or Action Name
- Voiceover: who and what said
- Owner, Manager, Creatives
- Singers
- Lyrics: (both Warlpiri and English)
- Performers
- Description of Dance or Action
- Costume
- Body Design
- Properties/objects/artefacts
Creative Team
This project will be led by the Artistic Co-Directors Tim Newth and David McMicken
Milpirri Creative Director: Wanta Steve Jampijinpa Patrick
Web Development: John Saward
Youth Dance Co-Ordinator: Kelly Beneforti
Design Assistance: Jessica Mellor
Company Partners
Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.
Project Partners
Newmont Goldcorp
Supporting Partners
Central Desert Shire, Warlpiri Education and Training Trust, Warnayaka Arts Centre, Mount Theo Youth Program (WYDAC), Lajamanu School, ALPA Stores and Central Lands Council (Ranger Program)
Tracks 2020
Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
Company Director: Adelaide Wood
Production Manager: Duane Preston
Dance Animateurs: Kelly Beneforti and Jess Devereux
Administrator: Jessica Mellor / Jo Shearn
Bookkeeper: It Figures
Committee Members: Venaska Cheliah (Chairperson), Andrea Wicking (Vice-Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), David Taylor, Michael Grant, Ken Conway, Max Dewa Stretton, Rachael Wallis. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Adelaide Wood (Ex-Officio Members)
Public Fund Trustees: Maari Gray, Will Crawford and Lachlan Peattie
Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory