Fresh Tracks 2022
Brown's Mart Theatre, Darwin
Saturday, Nov 5, 2022
2pm & 4pm
"Now in its sixth year, Fresh Tracks is nestled in the Development Program- which invests in building strong NT dance voices through research and development, conversation, critical feedback and presentation opportunities. Artists have access to the resources at Tracks to develop their practice, present original dance work, and engage in dialogue around their artistry. Tracks recognise the importance of supporting and celebrating the talent, potential and commitment of our local artists.
Featuring short-form works and artist talks at two afternoon shows. Contemporary performances by Venaska Cheliah, Kate Mornane, Steph Spillett and Bryn Wackett were experimental and diverse in style, investigating solo compositions, video projection, ensemble improvisation as performance, Rasas/States of expression in Indian Classical dance and personal narratives.
With a view to supporting the ongoing continuity and enrichment of dance practice for local choreographers, Fresh Tracks is driven each year by the participating artists' curiosities, creativity and physical sensibilities.
Fresh Tracks 2022 invited the choreographers to go a little deeper into an idea that may have been stirring over time. It’s so often the ideas that rattle around inside us longer, that rise to the surface when we have a chance to pause and dance it."
- Jess Devereux
Creative Team
Curator: Jess Devereux
Choreographers: Venaska Cheliah, Kate Mornane, SJ Spillett, Bryn Wackett
Performers: Terra Suppiah, Ruttiya McElroy, Bryn Wackett, Kate Mornane, Jess Devereux, Jenelle Saunders, Tara Schmidt
Proudly presented in 2022 as part of Fresh Weekend at Brown's Mart.
Production and Promotion Personnel
Production Manager: Duane Preston
Promotion/Media: Adelaide Wood and Debbie Micairan
Lighting Operator: Brad Fawcett
Company Partner
Tracks Inc. is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government
Tracks 2022
Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth (Tim is currently on long service leave)
Company Director: Adelaide Wood
Production Manager: Duane Preston
Associate Artistic Director: Jess Devereux
Dance Animateurs: Kelly Beneforti and Spillett
Administrator: Mikaela Earnshaw and Debbie Micairan
Bookkeeper: It Figures
Committee Members: David Taylor (Chairperson), Max Dewa Stretton (Vice-Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), Venaska Cheliah, Andrea Wicking, Rachael Wallis, Michael Grant, Ken Conway. David McMicken, Tim Newth, and Adelaide Wood (Ex-Officio Members)
Public Fund Trustees: Maari Gray, Will Crawford, and Lachlan Peattie
Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory