Kukanarri Show - Nguiu, Tiwi Islands Residency

Kukanarri Show - Nguiu, Tiwi Islands Residency


    Nguiu, Tiwi Islands


    This project was developed with the Nguiu community, with Tracks Directors invited to devise and direct the performance aspects. There were also music, video and television components. The performance dealt with the issues identified by the Nguiu community that caused the high youth suicide rate in their community. Tracks directed this movement and visual performance working closely with the community and through the Xavier Catholic Education Centre Nguiu Community. Bill Davis produced a half-hour television show that was presented on the BRACKS community TV system.

    The KUKANARRI SHOW (a traditional word that describes celebrations when the whole community comes together) featured many stories from the community, including its key dreamings and creation stories, its history since colonisation and its current joys. Tracks worked with the children in the local schools and other community groups. The performance took place in an area that was both undercover and outdoors and incorporated large puppets, images and short dances.

    Project Stages:

    • research difficulties and health problems occurring in Nguiu
    • recruit directors, musical , dance and design personnel
    • create and rehearse the show. write and rehearse the anthem. Create daily Television shows.
    • perform kukanarri Show
    • survey the audience and senior students for reactions
    • cut 20 hours of video (daily television shows) into 1-hour documentary. Create a video of the performance

    Creative Personnel

    Director: Bill Davis, David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Music and Video: Brian Wappett and Barry Ferrier


    Students from Xavier Community Education Centre, Nguiu community members

    Tracks Dance 1998

    Co-Artistic Directors: Sarah Calver, David McMicken, Tim Newth
    Administrator: Liann Stevenson, Joelene Paterson, Bong Ramillo

    [under Ausdance NT]

    Photographer David McMicken. Mudungkala Puppet
    Photographer David McMicken. Fish Shadow Puppet
    Photographer David McMicken. Fire Sculptures
    Photographer David McMicken. Motor car puppets
    Photographer David McMicken. Shadow Puppets

    Explore Further

    Eras of Youth Dance


    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.