2009 Milpirri - Jurntu

2009 Milpirri - Jurntu


    Lajamanu, Northern Territory

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    This year’s Milpirri is based on the Jurntu purlapa. The Jurntu performance teaches a story about kuruwarri (the law) that was given to a woman, Jangiya (Liddy) Nakamarra, in the 1950s or 1960s. It is based on real events that occurred in the late 1800s or early 1900s, concerning a man who committed a very serious crime.

    A story about Kuruwarri (the law)

    This Milpirri is based on the Jurntu purlapa. Purlapa is a type of open (public) performance and celebration. The Jurntu performance teaches a story about kuruwarri (the law).

    Lajamanu is a remote Aboriginal Community in the Northern Territory. The Milpirri project is based on a relationship between its creator Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick (a Warlpiri man from Lajamanu), Lajamanu elders, Tracks Dance Company and the Lajamanu Community Education Centre.

    Each responsible for a part of the story

    This Milpirri performance contained eighteen sections, ten of which were traditional and eight contemporary. The event was based around a Warlpiri Purlapa (public ceremony) called Jurntu, a ceremony that teaches about law and justice. Four themes were derived from the traditional ceremony: Justice, Respect, Discipline and Responsibility. These themes were matched with songs, stories and metaphors related to traditional Warlpiri artefacts. For example, boomerangs symbolise respect, digging sticks symbolise the search for knowledge and the stone axe is a mark of responsibility. The performance culminates with the songs and dances for the Milky Way. In Warlpiri Law, the Milky Way is a symbol of the path or road that a person should follow to be a productive and moral citizen. This Milky Way is also connected with the Emu stories, which stress the importance of teaching, and the Southern Cross stories which outline the essential principles of Warlpiri culture. In Milpirri, as in Warlpiri Law, each family group is responsible for a part of the story and therefore all families must participate in order to deliver a complete message.

    What it means to be Australian

    In addition, all Milpirri events are based on an understanding of the Rain Dreaming song cycles and the rain cloud known as Milpirri. The Milpirri cloud is a storm cloud created by turbulent air rising off the desert. The turbulence represents the conflicts that arise between disputing parties. In contemporary times it is seen as a metaphor for the clash between mainstream and Warlpiri worldviews. The rain that falls after the storm is a symbol of the resolution that must be achieved after conflict. An integral part of all Milpirri performances is the philosophy that Yapa (Warlpiri) and Kardiya (non-indigenous people) must work together to understand each other and that from this position of mutual respect reconciliation can be achieved, and more informed choices can be made. In the words of Milpirri creator, Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick: “Milpirri is about discovering together what it truly means to be Australian”.

    Director’s Notes

    The themes of the Jurntu ceremony describe how all Warlpiri people are bound by the law and must face the consequences of their actions. Kuruwarri (the law) explains the proper functioning of the world, including the correct way in which humans should relate to each other and the world around them, as given to Warlpiri people through the Jukurrpa, rather than a set of rules designed and constantly modified by humans to regulate society.


    This year’s Milpirri is divided into four sections, each representing a theme from the Jurntu ceremony, with excerpts from the original purlapa performance, as well as modern interpretations performed by younger generations. Each of the colour groups (based on father-son skin groupings) has responsibility for one section.


    Speak to the land and the land will speak back
    Don’t be afraid to go and find out about the world
    You have to be hungry for it, and go hunting for it, and in doing that you are discovering yourself
    This year’s Milpirri is about the body, the body of law and laws

    Traditional Wirnpa (lightning man) dance


    (Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrula and Nakamarra - Red Group)

    Bring to balance
    Getting back on track
    Putting to ease the tension
    Moving forward – being accepted back

    Youth Artefact dance - Traditional Male Artefact - Mangurlpa (black-headed spear) dispenses justice, and restores balance. Traditional Female Artefact - Parraju (coolamon). Ngurlu (grain) is winnowed in the parraju and then ground to make a damper. This highly developed skill symbolises the tact, discretion and subtlety needed to understand how to live by kuruwarri.

    Traditional Male dance supported by the women - Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)
    The red group have responsibility for many important areas of law and dance the spear and kangaroo songs, two very important bodies of legal knowledge.

    Youth Dance boys and girls - Justice.

    Traditional Women's Dance - Ngurlu (Seed).


    (Japaljarri, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Nungarrayi - Yellow Group)

    This land belongs to us all
    We are a body of people - we are the arms and legs of each other
    Know that no one is better than anyone else
    Everyone is valued - each group is respected
    Everyone is equal in the gaining access of the knowledge
    Watch out for the lawless one

    Youth Artefact dance. Traditional Male artefact – Kali or Wirlki (pair of number ‘7’ boomerangs) given as a sign of respect. Often a gift between teacher and student. Traditional female artefact – Karna (digging stick), finds food to keep us alive
    Traditional Male dance - Pulawanti - (Whistling Kite)
    Youth Dance - Respect
    Traditional Female Dance – Nagatijirri (Green Grass Parrot - budgerigar)


    (Japanangka/Japangardi, Napanangka/Napangardi - Green Group)

    To be disciplined is to know, understand and follow the law
    You will find freedom with yourself, your people and your country
    You are not just looking after your story you are looking after everyone's story
    Discipline is our tool for keeping our story alive

    Youth Artefact Dance. Traditional male artefact - Junma or Wulampi (stone knife). The junma creates the chest scars that are administered ceremonially as a sign that one has demonstrated learning and self-discipline. Conversely, back-scarring is a sign of indiscipline, administered as ritual punishment during mourning ceremonies. Traditional female artefact - Ngalikirri (grinding stone/mortar and pestle) – used to convert seed to flour.
    Traditional Male Dance - Wardipi (Goanna)
    Youth Dance - Discipline
    Traditional Female Dance - Mina Mina


    (Jangala/Jampijinpa, Nangala/Nampijinpa - Blue group)

    See the Southern Cross in the night sky
    Let the Southern Cross sit within you
    Let it guide, shape and even carry you
    Responsibility is one of the tools to strengthen our identity
    Our country and its stories are as unique as each one of us
    We are born here
    We are responsible for keeping the identity of our country alive

    Youth Artefact Dance – Traditional male artefact - Kurrwa (stone axe). The kurrwa is the tool that is used to create all other tools as well as essential for survival on country. It requires significant knowledge and skill to make and is given ceremonially to signify that someone is ready to have the responsibility of using it wisely. Female traditional artefact - mardu (water carrier). The mardu holds life-giving water and symbolically holds those things that nurture the system of life in the Warlpiri people and country.
    Traditional Male Dance supported by the women - Kurrawa (Stone Axe)
    Traditional Female Dance - Ngapa (Water)
    Youth Dance - responsibility


    This is crown land
    Crowned well before the queen
    Do you want to see the crown?
    Do you want to see an emu fly?
    Look above- see the Milky Way
    Don’t let others do the hunting for you
    Known your strengths
    Know your weaknesses
    Like a star
    Let the law of the land be the light that can shine out in us all
    Let it bind us together
    Learn the laws of this land
    Yungkaju Kurdari
    Yungkaju Kurdari
    Yungurnaju, Milyapinyi
    Ngrarrpara warnarna
    Yanirini manu yanirri
    Kumumju Ngurlu-rna
    Kankanlarra kari
    Yungkaju Kurdari

    Wulparri (Milky Way) Wantarri-Tarri (Earth Trading Route, Sky Gift Road) - The Southern Cross and Emu (karna-nganja) 

    The Milky Way is a road of learning. The sacred emu, a symbol of knowledge, flies within it, the Southern Cross crowning its head. If people learn to read the knowledge encoded within the Milky Way they can learn how to follow the law, to follow the right road and become good Warlpiri citizens. Part of the Milky Way Jukurrpa is danced as the finale in this year’s Milpirri.

    Sky Lanterns fly into the sky to become stars in the Milky Way


    Creative Director: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Co-Artistic Directors: Tim (Jampijinpa) Newth, David (Japaljarri) McMicken
    Producer: Susan Congreve
    Lajamanu Elders: Jerry Jangala Patrick, Teddy Jupurrurla Morrison, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert 
    Youth Choreography: Nick (Japanangka) Power, Jessica (Napangardi) Devereux, Jenelle (Nakamarra) Saunders
    Youth Dance Leader: Caleb Japanangka Patrick

    Production and Promotion Personnel

    Soundtrack Mixing and Production: Matthew Cunliffe, Dennis Gilbert, Subsonic Studios
    Sound and Light Operators / Technical Assistants: Daniel Lade, Neil Macknight
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Tracks General Manager: Susan (Nampijinpa) Congreve
    Tracks Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Tracks Administrator: Gail Evans
    Photo Documentation: Peter Eve
    DVD Production: Cutting Edge
    Editing: Todd Williams
    Camera Man: Ian Redfearn
    Evaluation Consultant: Miles (Jangala) Holmes


    Narration: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Traditional vocals: Jerry Jangala Patrick, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Molly Napurrurla Tasman, Rosie Napurrurla Tasman, Margrett Nungarrayi Martin, Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves, Judy Napaljarri Walker, Liddy Nampijinpa Miller
    Youth Dance Music: Building Steam With a Grain of Salt - DJ Shadow, Say What You Feel - Katalyst featuring Stephanie McKay, Inner City Discipline - Arrested Development, How Many Boys - M.I.A., Lesson 3 – DJ Shadow, The DJ Bacon Mix, Kicking and Screaming - The Presets, Insight - Fort Knox 5
    Original Music: Yungkaju Kurdari (Milky Way Song):
    Words – Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Music: Zac Jakamarra Patterson, Kenneth Jungarrayi Martin, Steve Hannon
    Vocals: Zac Jakamarra Patterson, Kenneth Jungarrayi Martin


    Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrula and Nakamarra (Red Group)

    Male Dancers and Singers: Henry Jakamarra Cook, Teddy Jupurrula Morrison, Tim Jupurrurla Kennedy, Neil Jupurrurla Cook, Shane Jupurrurla White, Titus Jupurrurla White, Dermott Jupurrula Cook, Lyndon Jupurrula Gordon, Lorenzo Jupurrula Lewis, Jake Jakamarra Patterson, Dion Jakamarra Patterson, Zac Jakamarra Patterson (1), Zac Jakamarra Patterson (2), Parker Jakamarra Patterson, Jared Jakamarra Ross

    Female Dancers and Singers: Molly Napurrurla Tasman, Rosie Napurrurla Tasman, Mabel Napurrurla Samuels, Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Laura Nakamarra Doolan, Beryl Nakamarra Barnes, Judy Napurrurla Collins, Della Nakamarra Lewis, Noressa Napurrurla White, Mercia Napurrurla Lewis, Charmaine Napurrurla Brown, Jenny Nakamarra Timms, Sabrina Nakamarra Nelson, Mary K Nakamarra Lewis, Barbara Nakamarra Morrison, Belinda Nakamarra Baker, Katrina Nakamarra Penn, Merandah Napurrurla Cook

    Male Youth Dancers: Kieran Jupurrurla Dixon, Mike Jupurrurla Patterson, Sheldon Jakamarra James, Troy Jakamarra Peters, Malcolm Jupurrurla Armstrong, Ingo Jakamarra White

    Female Youth Dancers: Kira-Lee Napurrurla Rose, Tina Napurrurla Patterson, Keisha Nakamarra White, Leilani Napurrurla Walker, Leonie Nakamarra Patterson, Sinarta Napurrurla Ross, Timirika Nakamarra Patterson

    Japaljarri, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)

    Male Dancers and Singers: Dick Japaljarri Raymond, Richard Japaljarri Payton Senior, Roger Japaljarri Jurrah, Kenneth Jungarrayi Martin, Jonas Jungarrayi George, Rohan Jungarrayi George, Breaden Jungarrayi Hogan, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton, Tyson Jungarrayi Rose, Floyd Jungarrayi Rose, Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Mitchell Jungarrayi Rose, Rhys Japaljarri Gibson, Angelo Japaljarri Jigili, Doi (Jungarrayi) Yukihiro, Jimmy Japaljarri Wavehill*, Thomas Jungarrayi Monkey*

    Female Dancers and Singers: Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Margrett Nungarrayi Martin, Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves, Biddy Nungarrayi Jurrah, Beth Nungarrayi Barnes, Lorraine Nungarrayi Granites, Margret Nungarrayi Robertson, Alice Napaljarri Kelly, Judy Napaljarri Walker, Peggy Napaljarri Rockman, Mona Napaljarri Rockman, Sonya Napaljarri Cooke, Louise Napaljarri Payton, Lorraine Nungarrayi Macdonald, Francine Nungarrayi Rose, Gracie Napaljarri Rankin, Dulcie Napaljarri Herbert, Annette Napaljarri Herbert, Amy Napaljarri Cook

    Male Youth Dancers: Ananais Japaljarri Tasman, Corey Jungarrayi Raymond, Richard Japaljarri Payton, Saverio Jungarrayi Jurrah, Ananias Japaljarri Payton, Brad Japaljarri Jigili, Costello Japaljarri Ronson, Lucas Jungarrayi Walker

    Female Youth Dancers: Renata Nungarrayi Gordon, Katelyn Nungarrayi Moketarija, Clarise Napaljarri McDonald, Rayneisha Napaljarri Rose, Tiffaney Napaljarri Edwards, Rexana Nungarrayi Herbert, Leitisha Nungarrayi Rankin

    Japangardi, Japanangka, Napangardi and Napanangka (Green Group)

    Male Dancers and Singers: Joe Japanangka James, Rex Japanangka Granites, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Dylan Japanangka Gordon, Shaun Japangardi Johnson, Minawara Japangardi Dixon, Amos Japangardi Miller, Rhys Japangardi Carlton, Paddy Japangardi Doolak*

    Female Dancers and Singers: Judy Napangardi Martin, Biddy Napangardi Raymond, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Denise Napangardi Tasman, Christine Napanangka Johnson, Kitty Napanangka Simon, Emma Napanangka Morrison, Leanne Napangardi Scobie, Amanda Napangardi Dixon, Myra Napangardi Johnson, Delvene Napangardi Dixon, Kathleen Napangardi Sambo*, Molly Napangardi Dodd*, Topsy Napangardi Dodd*

    Male Youth Dancers: Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Neano Japangardi Bedford, Nicky Japanangka James, Stephen Japangardi Daniels, Brent Japangardi Tasman, Davon Japanangka Marks-Burns, Nickholas Japangardi Johnson, Patrick Japangardi Bradshaw, Daniel Japangardi Nelson

    Female Youth Dancers: Sophia Napanangka Poulson, Jaynita Napangardi Gordon, Celine Napangardi Tasman, Desbina Napangardi Nelson, Kenesha Napangardi Gordon, Macala Napangardi Donnelly, Lyndal Napangardi Dixon

    Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)

    Male Dancers and Singers: Jerry Jangala Patrick, Peter Jangala Raymond, Thomas Jangala Sampson, Toby Jangala Martin, Michael Jangala Watson, Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Billy Jampijinpa Bunter, Norman Jampijinpa Kelly, Dion Jangala Kelly, Edmond Jangala Kelly, Steven Jangala Robertson, Tarrpa Jangala Patrick, Ashley Jangala Patrick, Scotty Jangala Patrick, Hamish Jangala Burns, Gaberille Jangala Driver, Clinton Jampijinpa Kelly, Felix Jampijinpa Jigili, Tony Jampijinpa Sampson, Liam Jampijinpa Kelly, Ronnie Jangala Wavehill*, Steven Jangala Wavehill*

    Female Dancers and Singers: Liddy Nampijinpa Miller, Annette Nampijinpa Patrick, Angela Nangala Kelly, Jasman Nangala Patrick, Mantrina Nangala Robertson, Lavah Nangala Kelly, Kylie Nangala Patrick, Atrina Nangala Robertson, Priscilla Nangala Robertson, Patsy Nangala Herbert, Teresa Nangala Yibworn *, Biddy Nangala Wavehill*, Peggy Nangala Manbulloo*

    Male Youth Dancers: Howard Jangala Sampson, Michaelis Jangala Sampson, Shannon Jampijinpa Rose, Kealyn Jampijinpa Kelly, Desmond Jampijinpa Robertson, Elijah Jampijinpa Kelly, Joe Jangala Foster, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Hendrix Jangala Burns

    Female Youth Dancers: Lavina Nangala Sampson, Cheryl-lee Nampijinpa Rose, Courtney Nampijinpa Patrick, Kiara-Xena Nampijinpa Rose, Richache Nampijinpa Jigili, Shekira Nampijinpa Robertson, Trixie Nangala Patrick, Wakukuta Nangala Patrick, * Wave Hill Dancers and Singers

    Thank You

    Patty Japaljarri Simms (Wulpararri), Otto Jungarrayi Simms, The Sky Lantern team, the Wave Hill mob, Lajamanu School staff, Central Desert Shire staff, Michael (Japanangka) Erglis, Paul Davies, Miles (Jangala) Holmes, Robert Chapman, The Lajamanu Clinic, Alan Marshall, Jessica Groves, Mevlana Adil, Dr Stephen Wild, our family and friends and a special thank you to the clan group leaders who released their paintings, song cycles, Dreaming stories and ceremonies for public display.


    Lajamanu School, Central Desert Shire, Northern Tanami IPA, Southern Cross Television

    Funding Bodies

    Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund, GMAAAC (Granites Mines Affected Areas Aboriginal Corporation), Newmont Asia Pacific, Lajamanu Progress Association,
    Tracks is assisted by: the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and the Northern Territory Government

    Tracks 2009

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager (Acting): Susan Congreve
    Dance Animateurs: Julia Quinn, Jessica Devereux
    Administrator: Gail Evans, Ciella Williams, Kelly Beneforti
    Bookkeeper: Julie Ann Stark
    Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg

    Committee Members: (Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Vice-Chair) David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Traci Keys, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Joanna Barrkman, Donna Quong, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan


    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) men practice singing
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Henry Jakamarra Cook (Badi Badi)
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Women: Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert (Patrick), (behind), Judy Napurrula Collins, Beth Nungarrayi Barnes,? (Behind), Mabel Napurrula Samuels, Molly Napurrula Tasman Men: Victor Jupurrula Simons?, Tim Jupurrula Kennedy (dec), Billy Jampijinpa Bunter (dec), Jerry Jangala (blue headband back), Teddy Jupurrula Morrison (red head band), Joe Japanangka James (dec), Leslie Jampijinpa Robinson, Jimmy Japaljarri Wavehill, Peter Jangala Raymond, Henry Jakamarra Cook
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Beth Nungarrayi Barnes, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert (Patrick), Judy Napangardi Martin
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Lorenzo Jupurrula Lewis, Teddy Jupurrula Morrison (centre), Titus Jupurrula White
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Michaelis Jangala Sampson (centre)
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Red: Jared Jakamarra Ross (front), Jake Jakamarra Patterson, Shane Jupurrula White, Linden Jupurrula Gordon (back hiding), Zac Jakamarra Patterson (front), Dion Jakamarra Patterson. (l-r) Blue: Francis Jampijinpa Patrick, Dion Jangala Kelly (behind), Liam Jampijinpa Kelly, Clinton Jampijinpa Kelly. (front row) Stephen Jangala Robertson, Felix Jampijinpa Jigili, Gabriel Jangala Driver (middle row), Edmond Jangala Kelly (l-r) Yellow: Back. Floyd Jungarrayi Rose, Kenneth Jungarrayi Martin, Brendan Jungarrayi Payton, Angelo Japaljarri Jigili Middle: Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Mitchell Jungarrayi Rose, Breaden Jungarrayi Hogan. Front: Reece Japaljarri Gibson (l-r) Green: back. Sean Japangardi Johnson, Reece Japangardi Carlton, Maxwell Japanangka Dixon. Back: Dylan Japanangka Gordon (hidden), Minawarra Japangardi Dixon
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Rex Japanangka Granites (in yellow hat), Dion Jangala Kelly (blue at back), Jake Jakamarra Patterson (red), Floyd Jungarrayi Rose (yellow), Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Amos Japangardi Poulson (front), Brendon Jungarrayi Payton (behind Amos) Mitchell Jungarrayi Rose, Lynden Jupurrula Gordon (red at back), Breaden Jungarrayi Hogan, Sean Japanangka Johnson (back), Dylan Japanangka Gordon, Toby Jangala Martin (older man)
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Banners
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Wayne Ashley Jangala Patrick
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Biddy Nungarrayi, Peggy Napaljarri Rockman,?
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Kealan Jampijinpa Kelly, Caleb Japanangka Patrick (very Back), Howard Jangala Sampson, Ananais (Yogi) Japaljarri Tasman, Richard Japaljarri Payton, Saverio Jungarrayi Jurrah, Mike Jupurrula Patterson, Shannon Jampijinpa Rose, Michaelis Jangala Sampson, Neano Japangardi Bedford
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Caleb Japanangka Patrick
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Patrick Japangardi Bradshaw, Sheldon Jackamarra James (back), Davon Japanangka Marks
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Mike Jupurrula Patterson, Kira-Lee Napurrula Rose
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r around circle) Richache (Zinzi) Napmpijinpa Jigili?, Courtney Nampijinpa Patrick, Trixie Nangala Patrick, Lovina Nangala Sampson, yellow?, Leilani Napurrla Walker, Chloe Dixon, yellow?, , Timarika Napurrula Walker, yellow ,?, Rayneisha Napaljarri Rose, Roberta Napaljarri Hector, Celine Napangardi Tasman (blue), Kimberly Napangardi Dixon, Kiara-Xena Nampjinpa Rose (wearing red), Rexana Nungarrayi Herbert, Desbina Napangardi Nelson, Shekirra Nampijinpa Robertson, red
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) green women. Judy Napangardi Martin, Denise Napangardi Tasman, Amanda Napangardi Dixon, Leanne Napangardi Scobie (dec), Molly Napangardi Dodd, Biddy Napangardi Raymond, (behind?), Anita Napangardi Johnson, Delvene Napangardi Dixon, Kathleen Napangardi Sambo, Topsy Napangardi Todd, Myra Napangardi Johnson, Biddy Napanangka Timms, Lynette Napangardi Tasman
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Tina Napurrula Patterson, Cheryl-Lee Nampijinpa Rose, Kira-Lee Napurrula Rose, Jaynita Napangardi Gordon
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) men. Reece Japangardi Carlton, Sean Japanangka Johnson, (older man) Billy Jampijinpa Bunter (dec), Minawara Japangardi Dixon, Dylan Japanangka Gordon, Amos Japangardi Paulson, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) yellow. Kenneth Jungarrayi Martin, Tyson Jungarrayi Rose, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Brendan Jungarrayi Payton, Henry Jakamarra Cook, Floyd Jungarrayi Rose, Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Billy Jampijinpa Bunter, Judy Napangardi Martin, Sean Japanangka Johnson, Reece Japangardi Carlton, Minawara Japangardi Dixon, Dylan Japanangka Gordon, Agnes Napanangka Donnelly?, Amanda Napangardi Dixon, Leanne Napangardi Scobie, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Amos Japangardi Paulson, Tamara Napangardi Johnson
    Photo: Peter Eve. Lantern release (milky way), closing ceremony

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    2012 Milpirri - Pulyaranyi

    Audience Response

    "This Milpirri is one of the best things that the world should know about. Milpirri, it shows that Warlpiri people have Law and Justice. Law and Justice is a Kardiya word but we have Law and Justice in place but with dance, singing, the paintings. The discipline is in our rites and it can be shown to a lot of these children, the younger generation. It [Milpirri] brings people together and shows the world that we have something in common. They have it and we have it too but ours has always been here. Songs, dance, the lot. We are so proud we like to get our kids to train. The government is saying fill the gap, we can do it easy with this. Give us the funds and we can do more of this stuff in our own way." Rex Granites Japanangka (Warlpiri Elder and PhD candidate at Australian National University)

    "Tonight was an amazing night to bring everyone together to celebrate together. Because our Law mixes in now with the Kardiya Law as well - bringing us together to stand together and to walk together on the same path and hopefully that will continue so that we can work together and live together and share together and care together, that is what Milpirri is all about. Milpirri does benefit our young people by bringing our young people into the light so that they can share their culture and we can continuing showing our culture to the young ones as well. Hopefully next year we can have a bigger Milpirri which will draw more people, not only people from around Australia but hopefully people from overseas will come to Lajamanu." Peter Jigili Jangala (Council Member)

    "Milpirri is very unique cultural festival. It brings together old people and young people, traditional culture and contemporary influences, Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people in what is a spectacular and inspiring cross-cultural event. Importantly too, the festival promotes the importance of education to young people and helps them to make connections between the old ways and life in the 21st Century." Paul Davis (Community Relations Coordinator Newmont Asia Pacific)

    "I can’t thank you guys enough. Milpirri is the biggest and most exciting thing to happen to Lajamanu and we all really appreciate it." Andrew (Lajamanu Air Chief Pilot)

    "I loved old men dancing, I loved old women dancing – I watched old yellow men and yellow is my skin group." Comments from Grade 3,4,5 class.

    "This thing called Milpirri, I think every community needs it."  Chris  Marshall (who was in Lajamanu in the late 60's and early 70's)

    Cast Response

    "[I’m] really looking forward to future dances with Milpirri." Myra Herbert Nungarrayi (Warlpiri Elder and Dancer)

    "Milpirri is the only chance we got today, showing our community, showing our young children. It is not for the old people but we see our elders, our tribe at Yuendumu are losing control of the young people, our older people are outnumbered there, none of our older people are willing to take the lead and get these young people back. The only way we can show Nyirripi, Yuendumu, Willowra, Ti-Tree is by setting up this Milpirri which is already working. A lot of our people from there now they think it is really good and they agree with it and now young people are starting to sort of take a step. And say "ahh yeah, that is the kind of things you old people used to do before, we are seeing it now". It is the things that we are giving them, the guidelines. Not only the guidelines to follow from the old people but the guidelines we have to give them to bring our young people forward. These are the things they need to follow. Milpirri is the way."  Billy Bunter Jampijinpa (Warlpiri Elder)

    "Milpirri is so they can remember that for the future, for everyone, passing it from generation to generation."  Tim Kennedy Jupurrula (Warlpiri Elder)

    "For non-Indigenous and Indigenous people. Kardiya and yapa together. Tonight we been join together on this Milpirri reason, this ceremony, and everybody had a really good ceremony tonight. Dancing, singing, really good one." Jerry Jangala (Warlpiri Elder)

    "Did you see those old men applauding? That is not very normal for Warlpiri. They applauded the women and kids because it was spontaneous. They enjoyed what each other had achieved. Also, I got a hug from one of my family members, it is not normal for a Warlpiri to hug your niece of nephew, but she couldn’t help it. She was proud of me and the whole thing – how often do Warlpiri get to feel proud of their family and kids."  Steve Wanta Patrick Jampijinpa (Milpirri creator)

    (Note: English is a second or third language for many Warlpiri people. All comments were given in English and have been edited only sparingly. Kardiya means non-indigenous and yapa means Warlpiri people.)


    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.