Where is the Line - Choreographic Program

Where is the Line - Choreographic Program


    Lawns, Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts, Darwin City

    Showing: Saturday, June 13, 2009

    A show & tell afternoon of experimental dance. A chance to see what Darwin’s young choreographers are thinking, feeling & creating!

    In a town that bubbles over with talent, opportunities for young emerging choreographers are few and far between. Saving them a move interstate, Tracks’ Youth Choreographic Program has offered a training ground for the development of six young dance makers: Ricky Borg, Stevie Kirk-Groves, Sasha Lai, Kathryn Lawrence, Corina Nichols & Paul Viojan. These artists have poured themselves into the activity of developing and honing their choreographic skills, and in the process have generated terrific discussion, sensational one-off improvisations and now, finished dance pieces.

    I have encouraged the group to explore diverse and imaginative approaches to choreography, covering journaling and creative writing, utilising music and visual art as stimuli, dreaming up environments, using postmodern structures for creating dance material and working creatively within specific sites... in their cases, this meant up trees, down stairwells and upon bench tops at Frog Hollow, which in turn became the inspiration for a dance film by Mischa Baka.

    After months of workshops in the studio, a vibrant period of dance exploration and enjoying assorted cream biscuits, the participants are now excited to strut their stuff. Today’s showing presents the work of these six delightful young people, whose dedication, energy and enthusiasm for the choreographic program has been a total joy, and awfully contagious. The result is a diverse program where their individuality & creativity are celebrated. 

    Director’s Notes - Jess Devereux

    Creative Personnel

    Concept: David McMicken
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Dance Filmmaker: Mischa Baka
    Choreographers: Ricky Borg, Stevie Kirk-Groves, Sasha Lai, Kathryn Lawrence, Corina Nichols and Paul Viojan

    Production and Promotion Personnel

    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg
    Production Assistant: Eugenio Hallen
    Front of House: Susan Congreve


    Ricky Borg, Stevie Kirk-Groves, Sasha Lai, Kathryn Lawrence, Corina Nichols and Paul Viojan


    Revelry by Paul Viojan

    Music: Kings of Leon
    Cast: Paul, Sasha, Ricky, Kathryn, Stevie & Corina
    Five Rhythms Improv Flow Staccato Lyrical Chaos and Stillness

    Life by Sasha Lai

    Music: Sia
    Cast: Sasha & Paul
    My piece of choreography is based on the correlation of two people, one of which has passed away. The movement is a reflection of the loss of someone and the connection between the two. The emotion within the movement is very raw and showcases the extent to which both characters rely on one another. A large amount of the movement is made possible through the partnership and this highlights the idea of dependency and connection. My focus was to portray the change between being there in body, to being there in soul.  

    Sonata in Rick-e Major by Ricky Borg

    Music: Composed by Clint Mansell, performed by the Kronos Quartet
    Cast: Ricky
    The work represents the musical assembly of a ‘Sonata.’ A sonata is generally a long piece of music comprising three parts or ‘movements.’ The first part being the ‘Exposition,’ made up of two or three themes, often in contrasting keys. The second part is called the ‘Development’ where the theme and textural possibilities of the thematic material are explored. Lastly is the ‘Recapitulation’ which is an altered repeat of the ‘Exposition.’ I have taken the structure of the sonata and endeavoured to represent it in my choreography.

    My Body, Myself by Stevie Kirk-Groves

    Music: Múm & Björk
    Cast: Stevie, Ricky, Paul, Kathryn, Corina & Sasha
    A mind’s picture of oneself

    With Every Heartbeat by Corina Nichols

    Music: Robyn with Kleerup
    Cast: Corina, Paul & Sasha  
    Combining my own distinctive style with new choreographic ideas, I have created a dance that reflects on events in my life. The message is in the movement. I hope you find a meaning.  

    In-Depth by Kathryn Lawrence

    Music: Joanna Newsom & Chill Out
    Cast: Kathryn & Stevie
    Initially, ‘In-depth’ was a movement piece that focused on creative lighting choices and how lights enable movement to be interpreted differently, depending on where they are and how they highlight the moving body. As the choreography evolved, the piece became somewhat different. It's now focused on shadows; how shadows can bring a whole new meaning to movement performed ordinarily. ‘In depth’ is an exploration of the perception of movement, placing choreography and lights behind a screen, then revealing the choreography in front of the screen, face to face with the audience, allowing them to notice (or not notice) the similarities, differences and qualities between the two.

    Group Improvisation

    Composer/rulemaker: Jess Devereux
    Cast: Stevie, Ricky, Paul, Kathryn, Corina & Sasha

    Panel Discussion

    Hosted by Jenelle Saunders of Ausdance NT - an opportunity to exchange ideas and feedback with the choreographers.

    Where is the Line

    Filming & editing: Mischa Baka
    Concept & workshop: Jess Devereux
    Music: Björk & Múm
    A dance film, set around the grounds and gardens at Frog Hollow Centre for the Arts. The film will be playing on a loop in the conference room throughout the afternoon’s proceedings! Check it out.

    Tracks 2009

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager (Acting): Susan Congreve
    Dance Animateurs: Julia Quinn, Jess Devereux
    Administrator: Gail Evans, Ciella Williams, Kelly Beneforti
    Bookkeeper: Julie Ann Stark
    Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis
    Production Manager: Kelly Blumberg

    Committee Members: (Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Vice-Chair) David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Traci Keys, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Joanna Barrkman, Donna Quong, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan





    Corina Nichols. Photo: Mischa Baka
    Kathryn Lawrence. Photo: Mischa Baka
    Paul Viojan. Photo: Mischa Baka
    Ricky Borg. Photo: Mischa Baka
    Sasha Lai. Photo: Mischa Baka
    Stevie Kirk-Groves. Photo: Mischa Baka

    Explore Further

    All Choreographic Programs

    Eras of Youth Dance

    Tracks Dance Films

    Audience Response

    “The hottest ticket in town for arty types in Darwin this month was for the Tracks Dance Company’s youth choreographic showcase… and the emerging youth dancer/choreographers didn’t disappoint – presenting a series of electric, experimental dance performances which left the crowd buzzing.”  Sophie Quick, Spress July 2009

    "The youth choreographic showing was a typically stimulating and uniquely Tracks experience: sitting outside in the Frog Hollow courtyard watching young dancers who have been empowered to develop their understanding of choreography within their own dance and cultural context.  The combination of postmodern choreographic techniques and a wide range of dance styles yielded a set of promising and intriguing experimental performances.  I hope this valuable initiative can continue." Kath Papas

    “It was an absolute pleasure to witness the personal growth and choreographic development of Tracks' performers. Under the gentle but steady guidance of Dance Animateur Jess Devereux, the rapport amongst the team was palpable as lots of very happy folk, young and old, sat under the trees to experience contemporary dance practice in its very practice. True empowerment comes from young people leading young people.  Tracks' choreographic initiative provides this space for leadership and professional development in a safe yet challenging environment cultivating the makers and thinkers of the future. Viva Tracks!”  Bec Reid

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.