You Dance Funny

You Dance Funny


    Gardens Park Golf Links, The Gardens, Darwin

    August 17 - 19 & 22 - 26, 2007
    Darwin Festival

    Freaks, Misfits and Has-Beens

    Roll up, roll up as the world’s wackiest dance carnival comes to town! Step into the ring for a mystical night of entertainment with this star-studded lineup of freaks, misfits and has-beens.

    YOU DANCE FUNNY is a comedy dance show, set in a boxing ring, in the style of an old-fashioned carnival roadshow. Delve into a sideshow of delights, with sizzling salsa, heavenly hip-hop, boy band banality and a side-slapping, nerve-jangling, bone-crunching feast of dance spectacle.

    Forget the nail-biting climax of ‘Dancing With the Stars’. Forget the anguish of who to vote for on ‘Australian Idol’. YOU DANCE FUNNY delivers the sort of edge-of-your-seat drama not experienced in Darwin since Mavis Chin took out ‘First Runner Up’ in the closely contested ‘packed lunch’ section of the 1967 Freds Pass Show.

    Director's Notes

    “Modern dance is not meant to be funny!”

    This show has come from a very deep, deep need to laugh more. In my early career in Melbourne, while directing an experimental dance company, a dear friend and early mentor regularly used to ask me – “When are you going to do something funny?” and in my youth, I would think – “Modern dance is not meant to be funny!” Well, now I have changed my mind. In the grandness of my middle age, and with everything in our world attempting to make us afraid, I have decided to take the deadly serious dance form, and turn it on its head, and its side, and add a twist. To this, a taste of Darwin has been added. This is a stand-up comedy where the performers have to do more than stand-up. The entire show went through a workshop period with the cast, where many very serious ideas were explored. In the final form, the cast will perform multiple dance forms, styles and cultural influences, the whole mix placed in the ring, literally, and then dropped in the middle of a golf course, with audiences and locals challenged to dance – funny!

    David McMicken

    Creative Personnel

    Concept and Direction: David McMicken
    Assistant Directors: Tim Newth and Gail Evans
    Designer: Tim Newth
    Writer: Gail Evans
    Additional Writing: David McMicken, Kin Leong and Yoris Wilson
    Choreography: David McMicken, Julia Quinn, and cast
    Salsa Maestro: Joao Pereira –Salsita Dance School
    Salsa Instructor: Michele Dott
    Costumes: Anne Gibb
    Composer, Sound Engineer & Sound Operator: Matthew Cunliffe
    Lighting Designer: Reuben Hopkins

    Production Personal

    Lighting Operator: Tristan Bourke
    Production and Stage Manager: Suzi Cordell
    Assistant Stage Managers: Carolla Brockschmidt, Taylor Hailes, Daniel Alderman
    Follow Spot Operator: Tom Pryce
    Bump in Assistant: Reuben de Waal
    Technical and Rigging Assistance: Chris Kluge

    Boxing Ring Coordinator: Boyd Scully
    Mrs Hemmings’ Hair Stylist: Lyndall’s Hair Care (Karama)
    Catering: Cee Cea’s

    Production and Promotion Personnel

    Promotions & Publicity: Fiona Carter and Skye Raabe
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Graphic Design: Narelle Sullivan
    Front of House Manager: Nicola Jackson
    Photographic Documentation: Peter Eve
    DVD Documentation: Todd Williams, Katie Saunders and Ian Redfearn


    The Inferno Family

    Signiora Secondina – Crena Hemmings
    Femmina da’Inferno – Gail Evans
    Ruffiano Inferno – Yoris Wilson
    Cara Inferno – Kelly Beneforti
    Mia Inferno – Ciella Williams
    ‘Chuck’ Chu Bang Bang Loong Fatt Inferno – Kin Leong
    ‘Chip’ Chu Bang Bang Short Fatt Inferno – Erwin Fenis
    Hoopla Inferno – Emil Coutts-Kidd

    The Challengers

    Judith Allen and Ellen Hankin
    Audrey Gorring, Shirley Somers and Bev Paget
    Gabriella Austin
    Greg Stehle
    Julia Gray and Yola Gray
    Imanuel Dado, Phillip Koenig and John Rigas


    • The Introduction
    • Round One: The Wipe Out Warm-Up
    • Round Two: The Producer’s Pep Talk
    • Round Three: The Lesser Challenge
    • Round Four: The Ravers
    • Round Five: The Grande Challenge
    • Round Six: The Afterthought Challenge
    • Round Seven: King Krumper
    • Round Eight: Just Shirley
    • Round Nine: La Famiglia Del’Inferno Extravaganza

    Tracks 2007

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Fiona Carter
    Dance Animateur: Julia Quinn
    Youth Dance Animateur: Erwin Fenis
    Administrative Assistant: Skye Raabe
    Bookkeeper: Julie Ann Stark
    Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis

    Committee Members: (Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Vice-Chair) Jackie Wurm/David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Traci Keys, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Donna Quong, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan


    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Crena Hemmings, Gail Evans, Erwin Fenis, Kelly Beneforti, Yoris Wilson, Kin Leong, Ciella Williams
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Gail Evans, Kelly Beneforti, Erwin Fenis, Ciella Williams
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Kelly Beneforti, Ciella Williams, Gail Evans, Gabriella Austin, Erwin Fenis, Yoris Wilson, Emil Coutts-Kidd
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Kelly Beneforti, Gabriella Austin, Gail Evans, Ciella Williams, Crena Hemmings, Erwin Fenis, Kin Leong
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Erwin Fenis, Ciella Williams, Kelly Beneforti
    Photo: Peter. l - r: Kin Leong, Erwin Fenis
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: John Rigas, Erwin Fenis, Gail Evans, Kin Leong, Phillip Koenig
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Ciella Williams, Kelly Beneforti
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Kelly Beneforti, Ciella Williams, Erwin Fenis
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Crena Hemmings, Kelly Beneforti, Yoris Wilson, Erwin Fenis, Gail Evans, Emil Coutts-Kidd, Kin Leong
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Gail Evans, Yoris Wilson
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Yoris Wilson, Crena Hemmings, Kin Leong, Gail Evans, Erwin Fenis, Ellen Hankin, Gabriella Austin, Judith Allen, Emil Coutts-Kidd
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Erwin Fenis, Kin Leong
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Ciella Williams, Crena Hemmings, Erwin Fenis
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Yoris Wilson, Ciella Williams, Crena Hemmings, Kin Leong
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Emil Coutts-Kidd, Gail Evans
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Crena Hemmings, Kelly Beneforti, Ciella Williams, Gail Evans, Emil Coutts-Kidd, Yoris Wilson, Erwin Fenis, Kin Leong
    Photo: Peter Eve. l - r: Kin Leong, Erwin Fenis, Yoris Wilson, Gail Evans, Kelly Beneforti, Ciella Williams
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Ciella Williams
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Crena Hemmings
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Erwin Fenis
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Kelly Beneforti
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Kin Leong
    Photo: Mark Marcelis. l - r: Gail Evans, Yoris Wilson

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    Iconic Tracks Works

    Media Response

    “We know when it happens – those times when Darwin turns on the kind of night that couldn’t happen anywhere else. And a comedy dance performance in a boxing ring near a water hazard on a golf course is unique.

    But it’s not the details that make this show special, it’s the whole mood…it’s as much a comedy as a dance show but when the dancing happens, it’s excellent.

    This is not the kind of show you would find if you went to a fancy dance show in Sydney and that’s what makes it special.

    The interaction between the crowd and the cast creates an intimate little scene on the edge of the lake… The jokes are funny, which helps, and the humour is pure Darwin... it’s nights like this one where you really appreciate what this town has to offer.” Ben Langford, NT News

    “One of the most popular shows in the Darwin Festival … Including break dancing, an Irish jig, and an amazing hoola hoop act, it’s hard for the judges (including the amazing tap dancing grandmother) to select their winner … highly entertaining." Kate Humphries, ABC

    “Side splittingly funny… even the guys would love it. It is Yoris and crew at their silliest best. Yes a little bit of quite good dancing, but mostly a local show written by locals for locals… and very, very, very well done. It is also almost worth it just to be able to sit in the golf course at night - it is the most spectacular natural setting… for a boxing ring!!!” Marie-Louise Pearson Manager, NT SingTel Optus Pty Ltd

    Audience Response

    “Extremely good and very funny.” Linda Deans

    “That was great, it was better than physio.” Audience member

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.