2021 Milpirri - Yinapaka

2021 Milpirri - Yinapaka


    Lajamanu, Northern Territory

    Lajamanu is predominantly a Warlpiri community on Gurindji land

    April - Soundtrack

    August/September - Dance and Visual Arts Residency

    Milpirri brings us together

    An exemplar of how vital long-term relationships are to Tracks’ creative, collaborative heritage-making work; founded on a 30-year relationship between Tracks and the remote Warlpiri Indigenous community of Lajamanu in the Tanami Desert (population approx. 500). Milpirri works across the community - from Lajamanu school to organisations from youth to rangers, as well as male and female elders. This remote performance is a cause for the Australian celebration of our 60,000-year dance heritage.

    Milpirri is an intergenerational, bilingual, bicultural event that brings Warlpiri, and non-Warlpiri together to “enliven tradition for an intercultural twenty-first-century future” - Wanta Steve Jampijinpa Patrick.

    Milpirri/ Lajamanu home page

    Building relationships and continued learning

    COVID-19 has had a disruptive effect in Lajamanu, and this has affected how we have been able to keep the Milpirri project going especially the performance. Due to be performed in 2020 the largescale performance was put on hold for 2020 and 2021. Despite this, we have continued to build on our Lajamanu relationships. In 2020, during lockdowns, we created the soundtrack remotely, linking the composers in Melbourne, the Tracks team in Darwin, and Steve in Lajamanu via Zoom. Smaller teams were able to visit the community in April to complete the lyrics for the soundtrack with the School students, and in September we were able to work with the school to create dances with the students, despite very low school attendance.

    Although it was our intention to present a full Milpirri performance in 2021, it became very clear that the community was still not in a position to do this. Consulting with the Creative Director, Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, and his father, the senior Elder Jerry Jangala Patrick, it was agreed to reshape and move the larger event to a future time when people could come together to celebrate but to continue the work in the community as residences between Tracks and Lajamanu artists and community.

    Our creative team of dance artists worked with the school students from grades 4-11 to teach 6 themed dances and this was presented to the community during a school family day.

    Where Young Birds Learn to Fly

    Yinapaka (Lake Surprise) is a significant Warlpiri sacred site. It is the site of the Sky Ceremony and in the Jukurrpa (Ceremonial Law - Dreaming) it is where the birds went, wanting to learn how to fly higher and be superior hunters. In Warlpiri, the level a bird flies can be related to law and achievement.

    The Milpirri Yinapaka Story

    Prior to Milpirri Yinapaka’s first development in 2020 Steven Jampijinpa Patrick, in consultation with his father (senior Lajamanu Elder) Jerry Jangala Patrick, wove together the Story. They draw on Warlpiri knowledge and stories focusing on a search to find good teachers to learn from. The main stories have lead characters that reveal human strengths and weaknesses, each of these is connected to the Warlpiri kinship groups. They come from the Warlpiri country areas of Yinapaka, Yarrunkanyi (Mt Hardy), Mungularrpa, Pinja Outstation (Spider Lake), and Nganarirri (near Papinya). These stories feature the Warlawurru (Wedgetail Eagle) Karnka (Crow), Wirntiki (Stone Curlew), Winyiwinypa (Spotted Harrier), Kirrkalunji (Brown Hawk) and Yankirri (Emu).

    Milpirri Yinapaka Story as told by Wanta Jampijinpa Pawu-Kurlpurlurnu (Steven Jampijinpa Patrick)


    In April 2021 Marc, Rob, David, and Tim returned to Lajamanu to turn the Milpirri Yinapaka story and music from 2020 into a full performance soundtrack. Lyrics were developed with Walpirri youth in the school in response to the story. A narrative in both Warlpiri and English was created and recorded. Men's Walpirri songs of the Warlawurru (Wedgetail Eagle) Karnka (Crow), Wirntiki (Stone Curlew), Winyiwinypa (Spotted Harrier), Kirrkalunji (Brown Hawk) and Yankirri (Emu) were sung and recorded.

    Youth Vocals: Lajamanu School students grades 4 and above.

    Warlpiri Narration: Steve Jampijinpa Patrick
    English Narration: Maxwell Japanangka Tasman,
    Men’s Walpirri singing: Jerry Jangala Patrick

    Song Lyrics

    Dance Residency

    Youth dance and choreography have been developed over 2020 and 2021 via Zoom and person-to-person. This has taken place in Lajamanu, Darwin, and with links to Melbourne for the music. 

    In August/ September David, Bec and Spillet took up residency in Lajamanu school working with grades 4 and above. School attendance was particularly low and irregular so they ended up joining classes together and rearranging the choreography so that everyone who attended school learned all six dances for Yinapaka:

    • Fire dance and winds - preparing the dancing ground.  Video
    • Crow - Karnka - Don’t break the law.  Video
    • Wirntiki - Stone Curlew - if you play with fire you might get burnt.  Video
    • Winyiwinypa - Spotted Harrier - don’t let others do the hunting for you.  Video
    • Kirrkalunji - Brown Hawk - sustain your efforts.  Video
    • Warlawurru and Yankirri - Wedgetail Eagle and Emu - find the right teacher.  Video

    A community showing was held at the school during a Family Day where the community was invited to the school to engage with the students and their work.

    Youth Dance Videos

    Youth Performers

    Japaljarri/Jungarrayi/Napaljarri/Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)

    Janine Nungarrayi Penn, Terrance Japaljarri Penn, Desmond Jungarrayi Ronson, Fiona Napaljarri Payton, Levi Japaljarri Penn, Tracie Napaljarri Ross, Nora Nungarrayi Jurrah, Zakky Napaljarri McDonald, Kunja Nungarrayi Dixon, Vincent Japaljarri McDonald

    Jangala/Jampijinpa/Nangala/Nampijinpa (Blue Group)

    Mazlan Jampijinpa Patrick, Mathias Jampijinpa Boyka, Jane Nampijinpa Patrick, Kunga Nampijinpa Patrick, Sherlonia Nangala Lona, James Jampijinpa Martin, Cedric Jampijinpa Ross, Ambliena Nampijinpa Kelly, Nathayla Nampijinpa Martin, Joash Jampijinpa Leo, Jamien Jangala Tilmouth, Venalia Nampijinpa Martin, Zane Jampijinpa Jurrah, Jaylene Nampijinpa Jurrah

    Jakamarra/Jupurrurla/Nakamarra/Napurrurla (Red Group)

    Manisiah Jakamarra Dickenson, Della Nakamarra White, Affenie Napurrula Crousan, Joe Jupurrurla Walker, Cleveland Jupurrula Ross

    Japanangka/Japangardi/Napanangka/Napangardi (Green Group)

    Hamish Japanangka Meanie, Justine Napanangka Poulson, Gaius Japangardi Scobie, Steven Japanangka Dixon, Zania Napangardi Simons, Lesharah Napangardi Scobie, Kanna Napanangka McDonald, Loureed Napanangka Poulson

    Thanks to the following teachers for their participation in the performance: Maggie Callingham, Hannah Motter, Karlie Italia and Ashton Landt

    Dance Animateurs Maddie and Jordan, originally planned to return to Lajamanu but with the full-scale performance not happening, they remained in Darwin.

    Photo Documentation: Zeinab Mahfoud

    2020 MIlpirri - Yinapaka (Development)

    Bird Tracks

    For three weeks Tim took up residence at Warnayaka Arts Centre. Ninety-three bird tracks were painted on timber cutouts by artists from the Warnayaka Arts Centre, depicting the small and high-flying birds of the Yinapaka Story. The bird tracks were painted in the same style as the Milpirri Banners, and the artefacts - Men and Boomerangs and Dancing Boards and Clap Sticks.

    The bird tracks were then installed as installations and photographed. The first two installations were at local water holes near Turkey Nest and at Emu Rockhole. The last installation was a backdrop for the community performance show.

    Bird Track Painters: Mercia Napurrula Lewis, Jocelyn Nampijinpa Watson, Rebecca Napanangka Farrell, Neil Jupurrula Cook, Isaiah Japaljarri Collins, Aaron Jakamarra Donnelly, Felica Napurrula Lawson, Zak Jakamarra Chubbs and Felicia Napurrula Simon.

    Installations by: Mercia Napurrula Lewis, Rebecca Napanangka Farrell, Tim Newth, Aaron Jakamarra Donnelly, Jermu Hautsalo, Tina Fu and Louisa Erglis.

    Photo Documentation: Michael Erglis

    Creative Team

    Creative Director: Wanta Steve Jampijinpa Patrick
    Artistic Directors: Tim Newth and David McMicken
    Senior Milpirri Elder: Jerry Jangala
    Animateurs and Youth Choreographers: Bec Reid, Steph Spillett, Madeleine Brown and Jordan Bretherton
    Composers and Soundtrack Producers: Marc Peckham and Rob Tremlett

    Company Partners

    Tracks Inc is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; and is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.

    Project Partners

    Newmont Goldcorp

    Supporting Partners

    Central Desert Shire, Warlpiri Education and Training Trust, Warnayaka Arts Centre, Mount Theo Youth Program (WYDAC), Lajamanu School, ALPA Stores and Central Lands Council (Ranger Program), University of New South Wales

    Tracks 2021

    Artistic Co-Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    Company Director: Adelaide Wood
    Production Manager: Duane Preston
    Dance Animateur: Jess Devereux
    Administrator: Jo Shearn
    Bookkeeper: It Figures

    Committee Members: Venaska Cheliah (Chairperson), Andrea Wicking (Vice-Chairperson), Glenn Bernardin (Treasurer), David Taylor, Michael Grant, Ken Conway, Max Dewa Stretton, Rachael Wallis. David McMicken, Tim Newth, Adelaide Wood (Ex-Officio Members)

    Public Fund Trustees: Maari Gray, Will Crawford and Lachlan Peattie

    Patron: Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AM, Administrator of the Northern Territory

    Soundtrack. Photo David McMicken
    Soundtrack (centre) Rob Tremlett. Photo David McMicken
    Soundtrack (centre) Marc Peckham. Photo David McMicken
    Rehearsal (l-r) Photo Tim Newth
    Rehearsal (l-r) Photo Tim Newth
    Rehearsal (l-r) Photo Tim Newth
    Rehearsal (l-r) Photo Tim Newth
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Performance (l-r) Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    (l-r) David McMicken, Spillett, Jerry Jangala, Tim Newth and Bec Reid. Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Red Group Performers: Manisiah Jakamarra Dickenson, Della Nakamarra White, Affenie Napurrula Crousan, Joe Jupurrurla Walker, Cleveland Jupurrula Ross. Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Blue Group Performers: Mazlan Jampijinpa Patrick, Mathias Jampijinpa Boyka, Jane Nampijinpa Patrick, Kunga Nampijinpa Patrick, Sherlonia Nangala Lona, James Jampijinpa Martin, Cedric Jampijinpa Ross, Ambliena Nampijinpa Kelly, Nathayla Nampijinpa Martin, Joash Jampijinpa Leo, Jamien Jangala Tilmouth, Venalia Nampijinpa Martin, Zane Jampijinpa Jurrah, Jaylene Nampijinpa Jurrah. Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Green Group Performers: Hamish Japanangka Meanie, Justine Napanangka Poulson, Gaius Japangardi Scobie, Steven Japanangka Dixon, Zania Napangardi Simons, Lesharah Napangardi Scobie, Kanna Napanangka McDonald, Loureed Napanangka Poulson. Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    Yellow Group Performers: Janine Nungarrayi Penn, Terrance Japaljarri Penn, Desmond Jungarrayi Ronson, Fiona Napaljarri Payton, Levi Japaljarri Penn, Tracie Napaljarri Ross, Nora Nungarrayi Jurrah, Zakky Napaljarri McDonald, Kunja Nungarrayi Dixon, Vincent Japaljarri McDonald. Photo Zeinab Mahfoud
    (l-r) Rebecca Napanangka Farrell and Jocelyn Nampijinpa Watson. Photo Tim Newth
    (l-r) Isaiah Japaljarri Collins and Neil Jupurrula Cook. Photo Tim Newth
    (l-r) Aaron Jakamarra Donnelly. Photo Tim Newth
    Near Turkeys Nest. Photo Michael Erglis
    Near Turkeys Nest. Photo Michael Erglis
    Emu Rockhole (l-r) Aaron Jakamarra Donnelly, Mercia Napurrula Lewis, Tim Newth, Jermu Hautsalo, Rebecca Napanangka Farrell and Louisa Erglis. Photo Michael Erglis
    Emu Rockhole (l-r) Photo Michael Erglis
    Emu Rockhole (l-r) Photo Michael Erglis
    Emu Rockhole (l-r) Rebecca Napanangka Farrell, Mercia Napurrula Lewis, Tim Newth, Jermu Hautsalo and Aaron Jakamarra Donnelly. Photo Michael Erglis

    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.