2007 Milpirri - Kurdiji

2007 Milpirri - Kurdiji


    Lajamanu, Northern Territory

    Saturday, October 27, 2007

    The Warlpiri Elders and residents of Lajamanu presented MILPIRRI, celebrating the Warlpiri Kurdiji Ceremony; a young man’s initiation ceremony, a story of Mothers and Sons told in segments that feature both traditional and contemporary elements.

    Interestingly, all the major symbols featured in the Australian Coat of Arms also feature in the Warlpiri Kurdiji Ceremony. The Lajamanu Warlpiri hope that through sharing their sacred story and linking it to the elements featured in the Australian Coat of Arms, members of the Australian mainstream will be stimulated to acknowledge that the Warlpiri Nation shares with them common, meaningful symbols. The Warlpiri long to be understood by, and want to understand, the Australian mainstream.  By sharing this central Warlpiri ceremony, through a set of symbols common to both, perhaps the first steps along that road can be taken.



    Spoken introduction in both Warlpiri and English

    Winpa  (Lightning Dance)

    (Jangala Jampijinpa Nangala Namipjinpa - blue)
    The Lightning man throws Lightning at the Milpirri storm cloud to make the rain fall down

    Warlu (Fire)

    (Japanangka/Japangardi/Napanangka/Napangardi - Green Group)
    When Warlpiri light fires they burn off the useless overgrowth which makes room for fresh, new growth. This brings back the animals and uncovers the root crops.  So the young boy is purged of his childish ways and his dependence upon his mother and is given room to take on the teachings of the men of the tribe. 

    Men supported by Women perform a Warlu (Fire) dance. When the fire is thrown in the sky it represents a new day, a new beginning.

    Youth dancers interpret the theme highlighting the young Japanangkas and Japangardis learning new things.

    Coat of Arms

    The symbols in the Australian Coat of Arms match the powerful symbols from the Kurdiji Ceremony - A shield, the Kangaroo, the emu, the Southern Cross, and leafy poles.

    Yankirri (Emu)

    (Jangala/Jampijinpa/Nangala/Nampijinpa - Blue Group)

    The female emu lays her eggs and walks away from the chicks.  It is the male emu who teaches the young emus how to survive in the harsh desert.  Building on the survival skills taught by mothers, the young boy is exhorted to submit to the teachings of his fathers, uncles and grandfathers about Warlpiri Law.

    Men and Women perform a Yankirri (Emu) dance from the Jardiwanpa ceremony.

    Youth dancers use the emu theme of teaching, making sure they know what you are teaching and passing on the information clearly.

    Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby)

    (Jakamarra/Jupurrurla/Nakamarra/Napurrurla  - Red Group)

    To the Warlpiri, a kangaroo is symbolic of unchanging law.  Warlpiri law, unlike mainstream law, never changes; it has always been the same from the beginning and this law is recorded on wooden banners.  The young boy begins his journey in learning his rich heritage of “ngurra-kurlu” (the inter-relationship between Land, Law, Language, Ceremony and Kinship).

    Men and Women perform a Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby) dance.

    Youth Dancers show the importance of learning law, as a way that provides a map into the future.

    Witi (Leafy Poles)

    (Japaljarri/Jungarrayi/Napaljarri/Nungarrayi - Yellow Group)

    The young boy stands before two leafy poles and is given a choice, each pole representing a different life direction.  Will he follow the ways of the Warlpiri (the ancient ngurra-kurlu)? Or will he follow some other way and depart from his heritage?

    Men perform a Witi (leafy pole) dance

    Young boys dance about having many choices and having to choose the right one. They also learn that if they go wrong, they can go back and fix it up. They learn to stand tall and strong like a tree.

    Milpirri (Rainstorm Cloud)

    (Jangala/Jampijinpa/Nangala/Nampijinpa - Blue Group)

    In the desert, when the hot and cold air merges, a Milpirri storm cloud forms, creating rain. The Milpirri is something we move towards with hope and anticipation of growth and new life.

    Lightning Solo Dance from the Milpirri Jukurrpa (Rainstorm Dreaming). He throws lightning at the Milpirri cloud making it open up so the rain can run.

    Desert People

    Kurdiji is a ceremony for the whole Warlpiri Nation, with a message for the whole of Australia.  This is backed by the North Tanami Band song Desert People, which has become a Warlpiri anthem.

    Danced to a new mix of Desert People, By the North Tanami Band, we see the young and the old coming together, men and women, young males and females, in a celebration of Warlpiri people – “We are the desert people, we are the Warlpiri tribe”

    Warluwariji (Mothers’ Exhortation)

    Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties, uninitiated boys

    The mothers give the young boys their final exhortation: “Walk in the steps of your older brother and he will lead you in the path of your father.  Do not put your hand carelessly down a goanna hole; it may look like good food, but really it may be a snake or a scorpion.”  Keep on the straight and narrow and don’t deviate.

    Wulparri (Milky Way) - Wantarri-Tarri (Earth Trading Route, Sky Gift Road)

    (Japaljarri/Jungarrayi/Napaljarri/Nungarrayi/Japangardi/Japanangka/Napangardi/Napanagka - Yellow and Green Group)

    Reminder to pass on deep learning. The men acknowledge the role that the young boys’ mothers have played earlier in their lives, and the mothers acknowledge the role that the men are about to play by teaching them the stories embedded in the stars.

    Men and Women perform a traditional Milky Way dance.

    The Lighting of the Yarrirdi-Yarrirdi (Burning Leafy Pole) and Ngurra-kurlu (at home in yourself) Symbol

    A boy has begun the journey of becoming a man who is a “Kurdiji” (shield) protecting his heritage: his Land, his Law, his Language, his Ceremony and his Family (Kinship system): his “Ngurra-kurlu.”

    Lighting of the Yarrirdi-Yarrirdi and Ngurra-kurlu. A fire sculpture representing the Kurdiji (Shield) is lit, followed by 20 Yarradarrudi poles. The entire space is burning. By morning, the remaining ash reminds us that it is finished … for now.

    Creative Personnel

    Creative Director: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick
    Artistic Co-Directors: Tim (Jampijinpa) Newth and David (Japaljarri) McMicken
    Lajamanu Elders: Jerry Jangala Patrick, Teddy Jupurrula Morrison, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Molly Napurrula Tasman, Rosie Napurrula Tasman
    Youth Choreography: Nick (Japanangka) Power and Jenelle (Nakamarra) Saunders
    Youth Dance Leader: Caleb Japanangka Patrick

    Soundtrack Production: Matthew Cunliffe
    Soundtrack Vocals: North Tanami Band, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Teddy Jupurrula Morrison, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Molly Napurrula Tasman, Rosie Napurrula Tasman
    Voiceovers: Steve Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick and Jessica Nangala Patrick

    Banner Design Owners: Joe Japanangka James, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Teddy Jupurrurla Morrison, Myra Nungarrayi Herbert, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Tim Jupurrurla Kennedy, Peter Japanangka Dixon, Lindsay Jungarrayi Herbert, Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Norman Jampijinpa Kelly, Dick Japaljarri Raymond, Jacko Jakamarra Gordon and Thomas Jangala Sampson

    Production and Promotion Personnel

    Lighting / Technical Director: Matthew James
    Sound Operator / Technical Assistant: Daniel Lade
    Space Preparation: Lajamanu Council and CDEP workers
    Poster Image and Design: Mark Marcelis
    Photo Documentation: Peter Eve
    DVD Documentation: Cutting Edge
    Editing: Todd Williams and Katie Saunders
    Camera Man: Ian Redfearn
    Project Management: Fiona Carter, (Lance) Alan Box, Miles Holmes, Suzanne Fermanis, Steve Patrick, David McMicken, Tim Newth and Lajamanu Traditional Custodians
    Admin Assistant: Skye Raabe


    Japangardi, Japanangka, Napangardi and Napanangka (Green Group)

    Men Dancers: Tristan Japanangka Tasman, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Stephen Japanangka Dixon, Dylan Japanangka Gordon, Callum Japanangka Scobie, Aston Japanangka Blacksmith, Scott Japangardi Dixon, Warrick Japangardi Miller, Dylan Japangardi Miller, Anton Japangardi James, Rhys Japangardi Carlton, Vincent Japangardi Dixon

    Women Dancers: Kathy Napanangka Wardle, Liddy Napanangka Walker*, Biddy Napangardi Raymond, Gladys Napangardi Tasman, Coral Napangardi Gallagher*, Rene Napangardi Dixon, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Denise Napangardi Tasman, Judy Napangardi Martin, Gloria Napangardi Dixon, Anita Napangardi Johnson, Tamara Napangardi Johnson, Ursula Napangardi Marks, Gracie Napangardi Johnson*

    Singers: Joe Japanangka James, Peter Japanangka Dixon, Martin Japanangka Johnson, Daicos Japangardi Tasman, Alan Japangardi Tasman
    Male Youth Dancers: Caleb Japanangka Patrick, Gerard Japanangka Scobie, Sean Japanangka Robbo, Nicky Japanangka James, Steven Japangardi Daniels

    Female Youth Dancers: Sophia Napanangka Poulson, Kay Marie Napanangka Dixon, Ainsley Napanangka Moketarinja, Katelyn Napanangka Moketarinja, Remeika Napangardi Patterson, Macala Napangardi Donnelly, Jaynita Napangardi Gordon, Deandra Napanangka Burns

    Jangala, Jampijinpa, Nangala and Nampijinpa (Blue Group)

    Men Dancers: Jerry Jangala, Dion Jangala Kelly, Edmond Jangala Kelly, Jasper Jangala Burns, Conrad Jangala Burns, Marty Jangala Burns, Anthony Jangala Burns, Liam Jangala Patrick, Francis Jangala Lovegrove, Dion Jangala Anderson, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Francis Jampijinpa Patrick, Greg Jampijinpa Jigili, Jameson (Jampijinpa) Box, Ashley Jampijinpa Watson, Virgil Jampijinpa Robertson, Felix Jampijinpa Jigili, Ricky Jampijinpa Sampson

    Women Dancers: Angela Nangala Kelly, Pamela Nangala Sampson*, Geraldine Nangala Gallagher, Rosie Nangala Fleming*, Mary Nangala*, Nellie Nangala Wayne*, Joelene Nangala Patrick, Judy Nampijinpa Granites*, Annette Nampijinpa Patrick, Liddy Nampijinpa Miller, Janelle Nampijinpa Burns, Jillian Nampijinpa King

    Singers: Michael Jangala Watson*, Toby Jangala Martin, Thomas Jangala Sampson, Peter Jangala Raymond, Billy Jampijinpa Bunter, Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson, Norman Jampijinpa Kelly

    Male Youth Dancers: Joe Jangala Foster, Michaelis Jangala Sampson, Howard Jangala Sampson, Michael (Jampijinpa) Box, Aiden Jampijinpa Kelly, Desmond Jampijinpa Robertson, Kealyn Jampijinpa Kelly, Todd Jampijinpa Hector, Shannon Jampijinpa Rose

    Female Youth Dancers: Reniece Nangala Poulson, Felicity Nangala Robertson, Eva Nangala Ross, Lavina Nangala Sampson, Trixie Nangala Patrick, Wakukuta Nangala Patrick, Shemira Nampijinpa Kelly, Shekira Nampijinpa Robertson, Richache Nampijinpa Jigili, Latoya Nampijinpa Hector, Kiara-xena Nampijinpa Rose

    Jupurrula, Jakamarra, Napurrula and Nakamarra (Red Group)

    Men Dancers: Shane Jupurrula White, Titus Jupurrula White, Lorenzo Jupurrula Lewis, Adam Jupurrula Cook, Matthew Jupurrula Walker, Lincoln Jupurrula Cook, Lyndon Jupurrula Gordon, Sebastian Jakamarra Simon

    Women Dancers: Molly Napurrula Tasman, Rosie Napurrula Tasman, Vivienne Napurrura James, Mabel Napurrula Samuel, Maisie Napurrurla Wayne, Mercia Napurrula Lewis, Mary K Nakamarra Lewis, Della Nakamarra Lewis, Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Mavis Nakamarra Lewis, Beryl Nakamarra Barnes, Belinda Nakamarra Baker, Laura Nakamarra Doolan, Pam Nakamarra Malden*, Lisa Nakamarra Morrison, Cecily Nakamarra James, Katrina Nakamarra Andrews

    Singers: Teddy Jupurrula Morrison: Tim Jupurrula Kennedy, Henry Jakamarra Cook

    Male Youth Dancers: Kieran Jupurrula Dixon, Mike Jupurrula Patterson, Jared Jakamarra Ross, Yami Jakamarra Simon

    Female Youth Dancers: Tina Napurrula Patterson, Kirsty Anne Napurrula Simon, Sinarta Napurrula Ross, Leilani Napurrula Walker, Montana Napurrula Matthews, Kira-lee Napurrula Rose, Natalie Napurrula Ross, Ashleigh Napurrula Dixon, Charmaine Napurrula Brown, Antasia Nakamarra Simon, Leonie Nakamarra Patterson, Megan Nakamarra Patterson, Revona Nakamarra Cook

    Japaljarri, Jungarrayi, Napaljarri and Nungarrayi (Yellow Group)

    Men Dancers: Roger Japaljarri Jurrah, Eddie Japaljarri Ronson, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton, Braedon Jungarrayi Hogan, Rohan Jungarrayi George, Bevan Jungarrayi Rose, Tyson Jungarrayi Rose, Rowan Jungarrayi Jurrah

    Women Dancers: Alice Napaljarri Kelly, Judy Napaljarri Walker, Sonya Napaljarri Cooke, Robyn Napaljarri Payton, Louise Napaljarri Payton, Celesta Napaljarri Penn, Margaret Napaljarri Jigili, Dulice Napaljarri Herbert, Myra Nungarrayi Patrick, Margaret Nungarrayi Martin, Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves, Betty Nungarrayi Long, Beth Nungarrayi Barnes, Elma Nungarrayi Mc Donald, Lorraine Nungarrayi Mc Donald, Leonie Nungarrayi Rose, Gail Nungarrayi Hector, Francine Nungarrayi Rose

    Singers: Dick Japaljarri Raymond, Lindsay Jungarrayi Herbert

    Male Youth Dancers: Dean –Angelo Japaljarri Jigili, Ananias Japaljarri Tasman, Angelo Japaljarri Ronson, Richard Japaljarri Payton, Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Saverio Jungarrayi Jurrah, Julius Jungarrayi Wardle, Ashwyn Jungarrayi Nelson, Daswan Jungarrayi Penn, Corey Jungarrayi  Raymond, Karim Jungarrayi Timms

    Female Youth Dancers: Mary-Tiana Nungarrayi Simon, Rekkeisha Nungarrayi Rose, Renata Nungarrayi Gordon, Rexana Nungarrayi Herbert, Michelle Nungarrayi Tims, Roberta Nungarrayi Hector, Odessa Napaljarri Tippett, Erlinda Napaljarri McDonald, Sherrika Napaljarri Martin, Rayneisha Napaljarri Rose,

    * Yuendumu Dancers/ singers

    Australian Coat of Arms carriers 

    Kirsty (Nakamarra) Patterson, Amanda (Nampijinpa) Horking, Nicci (Nakamarra) Marsham, Molly (Nungarrayi) Marsham, Michael (Jungarrayi) Marsham, Corrine (Napanangka) Slavek, Adriana (Nangala) Van Boxtel

    Thank you

    Lajamanu Progress Association, Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund, Newmont Mines, Lajamanu Community Education Centre staff, Lajamanu Council staff, Michael (Japanangka) Erglis, Billy Jampijinpa Bunter, Joe Japanangka James, Tim (Japanangka) Collins and the Wulaign Rangers, our family and friends and a special thank you to the clan group leaders who released their paintings, song cycles, Dreaming stories and ceremonies for public display.

    Milpirri Management Body: Geoffrey Jungarrayi Barnes, Roger Jurrah Japaljarri, Martin Japanangka Johnson, Stephen Japanangka Dixon, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Steven Jampijinpa Patrick, Tristan Japanangka Tasman, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Rene Napangardi Dixon, Robyn Napaljarri Payton, Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Laura Nakamarra Lewis and Annette Nampijinpa Patrick

    Assistants to Steve Jampijinpa Patrick: Alan (Lance Jangala) Box, Roger Japaljarri Jurrah, Tristan Japanangka Tasman, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman, Rene Napangardi Dixon, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Robyn Napaljarri Payton and Martin Japanangka Johnson

    Tracks 2007

    Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
    General Manager: Fiona Carter
    Dance Animateur: Julia Quinn
    Youth Dance Animateur: Erwin Fenis
    Administrative Assistant: Skye Raabe
    Bookkeeper: Julie Ann Stark
    Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis

    Committee Members: (Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Vice-Chair) Jackie Wurm/David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Traci Keys, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Donna Quong, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth

    Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan

    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Jampijinpa and Jangala men making witi poles
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Milpirri wrist bands
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) kids before show
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Teddy Jupurrula Morrison
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Rosie Napurrula Tasman
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) ?, Rosie Napurrula Tasman
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Tim Newth, Howard Jangala Sampson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) front: Tina Nakamarra Patterson, Reniece Nangala Poulson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Edmond Jangala Kelly, Ashley Jampijinpa Watson, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Gerard Japanangka Scobie, Aiden Jampijinpa Kelly, Jarrad Jakamarra Ross
    Photo: Peter Eve. l-r) Witi Poles: Rohan Jungarrayi George, Breadon Jungarrayi Hogan, Tyson Jungarrayi Rose, Eddie Japaljarri Ronson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Liam Jangala Patrick
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) green group men in red light
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) kids
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Australian coat of arms
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) green women: Judy (Nambia) Napangardi Martin, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, Anita Napangardi Johnson, Gloria Napangardi Dixon, Ursula Napangardi Marks, Renne Napangardi Dixon, Biddy Napangardi Raymond, Kathy Napanangka Wardle (Wave Hill), Tamara Napangardi Johnson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Lynette Napangardi Tasman,?, ?, Yuendumu women’s centre, Tamara Napangardi Johnson, ?, Gladys Napangardi Kelly, Vivienne Napurrula James, ?, (Pamela Nakamarra Malden, Willowra?), Mabel Napurrula Samuel, Molly Napurrula Tasman, Judy (Nambia) Martin, Doris Nakamarra Lewis, Belinda Nakamarra Baker
    Photo: Peter Eve. Angelo Japaljarri Jigili Second row: Travis Jungarrayi Penn, Nicki Japanangka James, Ashwyn Jungarrayi Nelson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) women standing: ?, Joelene Nangala Patrick, , Nakamarra Andrews Annette Nampijinpa Patrick, Geraldine? Nangala Gallagher?, ?, ?, Angela Nangala Kelly, Lorraine Nungarrayi McDonald, ?, ?
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) fire sculpture Ngurra Kurlu
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) fire sculpture Ngurra Kurlu
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) fire sculpture Ngurra Kurlu
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) burning Yarrirdi-Yarrirdi poles
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Allan Japangardi Tasman, Toby Jangala Martin, Teddy Jupurrula Morrison, Joe Japanangka James, Jerry Jangala Patrick, Peter Jangala Raymond, Steve Jampijinpa Patrick, Henry Jakamarra Cooke
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Toby Jangala Martin
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Peter Japanangka Dixon
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Joe Japanangka James
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Leslie Jampijinpa Robertson
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Henry Jakamarra Cooke
    Photo: Peter Eve. Jangala Jampijinpa men, (l-r) back row. Ricky Jampijinpa Sampson, Virgil Jampijinpa Robertson, Francis Jangala Lovegrove, Norbert Jampijinpa Patrick, Dion Jangala Anderson, Francis Jampijinpa Patrick, Marty Jangala Burns, Dion Jangala Kelly (Behind), Edmond Jangala Kelly (front), Greg Jampijinpa Jigili, Ashley Jampijinpa Watson, Liam Jangala Patrick Front row: Anthony Jangala Burns, Felix Jampijinpa Jigili, Conrad Jangala Burns, Jasper Jangala Burns, Jameson (Jampijinpa) Box
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Matthew Jupurrula Walker, Titus Jupurrula White, Lorenzo Jupurrula Lewis, Shane Jupurrula White, Adam Jupurrula Cook, Lincoln Jupurrula Cook, Sebastian Jakamarra Simon
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) Bevan Jungarrayi Rose, Braeden Jungarrayi Hogan, Eddie Japaljarri Ronson, Tyson Jungarrayi Rose, Rowan Jungarrayi Jarrah, Brendon Jungarrayi Payton, Rowan Jungarrayi George, Roger Japaljarri Jarrah (kneeling)
    Photo: Peter Eve. (l-r) back row. Anton Japangardi James, Reece Japangardi Carlton, Steven Japanangka Dixon, Warwick Japangardi Miller, Vincent Japangardi Dixon, Scottie Japangardi Dixon, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman front: Callum Japanangka Scobie, Aston Japanangka Blacksmith, Dylan Japangardi Miller, Tristan Japangardi Tasman, Dylan Japanangka Gordon

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    Milpirri Dances - Videos

    Iconic Tracks Works

    2009 Milpirri - Jurntu

    Cast Response

    “The old people can’t stop talking about it, they are talking about it every night, every day.” Billy Bunter Jampijinpa. Warlpiri Elder

    “It made me very proud.  Proud to dance for my group, proud to be Warlpiri, proud to see it from one end to the other.” Maxwell Tasman Japanangka. Dancer

    “I was smiling all the time.  Me and Tina were smiling at each other.  I couldn’t stop smiling, I was so happy.  And we didn’t go wrong.  The small kids went wrong.  When I was small I used to run around and was very bad, but now I am older I have to be good.  I want to do MILPIRRI every day.” Reniece Nangala Poulson. youth dancer

    “Those old ladies were crying for Witi – when those boys were dancing – they were crying for them – that made us feel strong for our culture.” Myra Herbert Nungarrayi. Senior Warlpiri Woman

    “Really really good one, now we are going to do that ceremony with a big mob from all around.  We are going to get all those boys.  [Meaning, that they have decided to revitalise the Warlpiri Kurdiji ceremony as their initiation ceremony].” Joe James Japanangka. Warlpiri Elder

    “We need to be proud people – but this time we are not talking about just Yapa (indigenous people) – we are talking about Kardiya (non-indigenous people) and Yapa.” Steven Jampijinpa Patrick

    “White fellas and black fellas gotta stop standing back to back (back of hands held together) but instead we need to face each other and be friends (palms of hands held together)  [Talking about how the use of the coat of arms shows that Warlpiri and Westerners have something in common]” Jerry Patrick Jangala (Warlpiri Elder)

    “We don’t have something like MILPIRRI, with all these young people, nothing.” Yuendumu Dancer

    “That’s our culture, Warlpiri culture.” Teddy Morrison Jupurrula. Warlpiri Elder

    Audience Response

    “…. thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was a fantastic event and the energy of those involved and for what it created for the whole Lajamanu community was magic.” Paul Davis. Community Relations Co-ordinator, Newmont Tanami Operations, The Granites Gold Mine

    “…. it was an absolute joy to be in the audience. The MILPIRRI performance appears to be an exciting and vital vehicle for Walpiri people to keep their culture strong through traditional, ceremonial and contemporary dance, through song, through storytelling, through the distinction of ‘skin’ groups, and through the interaction of old people and young people.” Alison Copley. Indigenous Arts Marketing Officer, Top End Arts Marketing

    “The kids were great, I can’t believe they danced so well, especially those little boys.” Anon


    Milpirri 2007 is dedicated to Maisie (Kajingarra) Napangardi Granites for her long-term commitment to working with MILPIRRI and Tracks Dance. She is the Traditional owner of this Kurdiji ceremony.

    “Puraya tarnngangku papardi-puraji-kurlangu wirliya………Nurla Wardapi-ki nyangka ngulyangka……Karla-kangku Warnangku Pajirni.”
    “Always walk in the footstep of your big brother…
    Be careful…when looking in the goanna’s hole, there might be a deadly snake in there….”



    Tracks Dance Company Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

    Tracks Inc is Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts funding and advisory body.

    Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Tracks Inc.

    Warning: This website contains images and names of people who have passed away.