Studio Residencies
Tracks Dance Studio, Harbour View Plaza, Darwin
Throughout the year
Curated through Application
Space Time Studio Residency
Studio Residencies provide local independent dance artists with access to development time in Tracks space, and mentorship from the Tracks staff during Wet Season (Nov- Feb), with a Sharing at the conclusion. If you’re a local, independent dance or movement artist, and you're looking for opportunities to develop your practice, then this program is for you.
Tracks offers incredibly subsidised studio Space and Time to Northern Territory movement artists to investigate and develop new ideas. Up to 4 proposals are supported annually. Our focus is on emerging and independent dance practitioners.
We have two types of residencies:
‘Blue Sky’ Research' for open-ended creative practice
‘Creative Development’ for developing a new project idea
Level 1 is up to 21 hours (at a cost of $200) and Level 2 is a maximum of 42 hours (at a cost of $300)
Please read the Space Time Studio Residency Guidelines before beginning your application. We also encourage you to speak to a member of the Tracks creative team before submitting an application.
Give us a call or email Tracks Artistic Director David McMicken
2022-2023 Space Time Studio Residents
Jedda Scott
"I will explore 2 creative notions: NT-based queer-identified movers and the experimental sound art of NT-based queer noise artist Neha Spellfish. A deep dive exploration into queer bodies making movement against a backdrop of experimental sound art. Introducing movers to this type of aural landscape, how does this motivate them to move? How does the queer identity affect their relationship with their own physical bodies moving through space? How does the potentially mundane and everyday soundscape be turned into something that is sacred and profound? How do queer folk in the NT wish to create movement and what stories does this movement tell?"
Venaska Cheliah
"Time to contribute towards my personal development, enabling me to be a better collaborator on a long-term project, Mess of a Mudrā. I have just explored the nine Rasas in Indian Classic Dance through Fresh Tracks 2022 and am interested in exploring other aspects of the prescriptive form in ways that are not traditional. I would also like to continue working with Ruttiya McElroy."
Kate Mornane
"I have another little chapter of the identity / multiple selves theme I would like to explore. I would love to film my mum and daughter. A combination of reflections of past and future; of connections held between generations. What we pass on and what we change in response to our past, and the beautiful image of my daughter being my womb when I was in my mother's."
Hosted Residency
For guest artists or companies developing choreographic ideas with a forum, showing, or masterclass attached. This allows residents to engage with our local community.
Contact David McMicken or Jessica Devereux to find out more.
Mentored / Guest Artist Residency
Self-funded artists taking on a residency with Tracks mentorship.
Company Partners
Tracks Inc is proudly sponsored by the Northern Territory Government.
Tracks 2023
Artistic Directors: David McMicken
Associate Artistic Director: Jess Devereux
Creative Producer: Britt Guy
Production Manager: Duane Preston
Dance Animateurs: Kelly Beneforti and Steph Spillett
Administrator: Debbie Micairan
Bookkeeper: It Figures
Committee Members: Chairperson: Max Dewa Stretton. Treasurer: Glenn Bernardin. Ordinary Members: Andrea Wicking, David Taylor, Ken Conway, Lachlan Peattie, Rachael Wallis, Anna Lindsay, Venaska Cheliah. Ex-Officio: David McMicken
Public Fund Trustees: Maari Gray and Michael Grant
Past Residents
Aaron Lim
Anokai Lancaster
Bronwyn Warmington\
Bryn Wackett
Caleb Japanangka Patrick (Lajamanu)
Chloe Lauverjon
D*City Rockers - B*Boy Crew
Darryl Butler
David McMicken and Darryl Butler
Felicity Wardle
Jay Clarke
Jedda Scott
Jess Devereux
Jess Devereux & Susan van den Ham
Jess Ford
Jing Jin
Jordan Bretherton, Darren Edwards, Mitchel Aldridge
Jordan Bretherton & Madeleine Turnbull
Katy Moir
Kelly Beneforti
Kelly Beneforti & Nick Yates
Kinetic (Brisbane/East Timor)
Kyle Walmsley
Lizzi Webb
Lucy Found
Mim Ellen-Barwell
Natalie Hafsteins
Rochelle Cabry
Slovenia Croatia Australia exchange - Accomplice
Tara Schmidt, Jenelle Saunders and Kate Mornane
Tiny Toones (Cambodia) & Nick Power - Accomplice
Venaska Cheliah