Youth Dance Leaders
Around Darwin, Lajamanu, and the Philippines
Throughout 2007
Youth Dance Leaders
Erwin Fenis, Vera Tabuzo, Kelly Beneforti, Corina Nichols, Imanuel Dado, and Estelle Esperanza Quindara, and Caleb Japanangka Patrick (Lajamanu)
The Youth Dance Leaders project continued, with a professional development trip to the Philippines, core artists employed for ‘You Dance Funny’ and ‘Milpirri’, key dance leadership for the ‘Arafura Games Opening Ceremony’, and a close working relationship with key Lajamanu community members.
Erwin Fenis was our Youth Dance Animateur again from this year and was joined by our 2007 Youth Dance Leaders: Erwin Fenis, Vera Tabuzo, Kelly Beneforti, Corina Nichols, Imanuel Dado, and Estelle Esperanza Quindara, and Caleb Japanangka Patrick in Lajamanu
Performances and Events
We started the year by taking six of our our youth dance leaders to the Philippines under the guidance of Betchay Mondragon. Four of the seven Leaders are Filipino. This was a great cultural experience giving Tracks artists the chance to get a better understanding of one of the major migrant groups in Darwin.
For the Arafura Games Opening Ceremony, we created a 35-minute dance performance involving 255 performers from 14 different groups and styles. Cultural Groups, High School and studio groups were engaged to participate. We auditioned and got 68 youth dancers, and had key youth dancers in the Pacific Island, Chung Wah Society Lion Troupe, Austin Martial Arts Soo Bahk Do Display Team, Kiribati Multicultural Association, Greek Dance Group, Rince Na Eireann Irish Dance Group, and the Filipino Dance Group
Our leaders took on key roles in the comic performance of You Dance Funny, with Erwin Fenis and Kelly Beneforti taking lead roles, and others in minor roles. This was our largest audience to date. We took a stronger mentoring role of Caleb and Gerard in Lajamanu with them being mentored by Nick Power. Milpirri is a major performance event that brings the youth and elders together in a show that draws its inspiration from Warlpiri values and ceremony.
Erwin continued his series of workshops with Dondale Youth Detention Centre and was nominated (and short-listed) for the Northern Territory Young Achievers Award.
Arafura Games Opening Ceremony
Tracks 2007
Artistic Directors: David McMicken and Tim Newth
General Manager: Fiona Carter
Dance Animateur: Julia Quinn
Youth Dance Animateur: Erwin Fenis
Administrative Assistant: Skye Raabe
Bookkeeper: Julie Ann Stark
Development Consultant: Suzanne Fermanis
Committee Members: (Chair) Jill MacAndrew, (Vice-Chair) Jackie Wurm/David Taylor, (Treasurer) Glenn Bernardin, (Secretary/Public Officer) Traci Keys, (Ordinary Committee Members) Ken Conway, Nick Papandonakis, Donna Quong, (Ex-Officio Members) David McMicken and Tim Newth
Public Fund Trustees: Rev. Steve Orme, Dr Anita Toth, Paul Wan